Sep 01, 2009 18:48
Hanging out in the library trying to will myself to work on my assignments. I had my programming tutorial just before. The tutor kind of annoys me. She doesn't revere me as some kind of scripting goddess. The sub we had last week did though. I liked him.
I saw Bandslam on the weekend. I thought it was pretty awesome. The soundtrack is amazing. And we walked all over the city trying to find the next Vampire Academy book. All the bookstores were sold out but we finally found a couple of copies in Target(ftw). I'm about halfway through but I'm trying to take it slow. I don't want it to be over already.
I would really like to go home and eat something but I have to stick around until Marnie is finished with some group stuff. I hope she finishes soon because I'm about 10 minutes away from getting bored enough to actually do school work. Scary.