::sniff sniff:: I smell like harborrrrrr. 8P

Aug 01, 2004 16:03

Name: Trisha
Location: Hicksville, [Long Island] NY
Age: 15
Nationality: American, oh yeahhh 8P
All time favorite band: Either BoysNightOut or A Static Lullaby
All time favorite movie: Donnie Darko or Thirteen.. Could be 5785621784627916 others though. I'm a big movie lover. Whaddup nuccaaa.
All time favorite food: Anything without meat. But usually veggie burgers. :)
Do you drink alcohol? Yess ma'ammm.
Do you do drugs? Never have, don't really plan on it too much. Maybe someday, but who knows.
Who is your favorite president? Fuck that shit meng. If I HAD to guess, George Washington because he had wooden teeth.
Democrat or Republican? Neither ?? I don't fuckin' know lol.
Do you like gangstaz and Bluntz? Gangstaz cuz dere hawttt. 8X Woo
What Religion are you? Caotholic/Christian/Both.. Not too sure lol. Oh man that's horrible.
What do you think Harborslut means? Girls that like boys that live by the water ?? HHAHA I dont know.
What is your all time favorite quote?? "You and me you know that we were always funny in a car crash kind of way.
Who's your favorite Beatle? Ringo <333 Cutie. He was my mom's favorite. ::blush::
Link us to one journal or one community. ur0wndxsaster She's goregeous, check her out.


Thanks for taking the time to read it. :)

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