Stuff and things.

May 30, 2011 13:33

I don't even know how long since I last posted here... ah, back when I got my registration in March.


Okay, well, not a whole lot going on since then I think.

Lots of looking after Alexander, cliché as it is, he does take up a lot of our collective mental effort now. Still not getting as much sleep as I'd like, but more then I was at my last post.

Actually started going to Church. I would say again, but I have never been a church-going kind of guy. Got Alex baptised mid April, bunch of friends and family came down for it. I must say, much as the Church (and some of the congregation) say and do things that annoy me sometimes, they are generally friendly people, and pretty helpful to have around.
When I hyper-extended my knee doing a flying side-kick one of the ladies actually decided on her own initiative that she would bring us meals around since Beth was busy with the baby and I was on crutches and wasn't being very useful around the house. Was really nice.

Started working on my Imperial Guard again, assembled some of my mass of Guard tanks, have a potential army list for Cancon next year, but it may well be a work in progress, I'm sketchy on some parts usefulness.

I've started training for board breaks for my black belt grading, though I'm still a long way away from the fitness level for it. I've been pretty pleased with how much my technique has improved by training for breaks (mainly because if you get the technique wrong with a break, then the force of the strike goes into your hand/foot, instead of into breaking the wood.
Think I have side-kick on easy mode, haven't practiced the punch breaks, but I'm confident I can do them easy, and the turning kick is further along then expected. Still need to work on my spinning heel kick and jumping back-kick, though, we still don't know if the jumping back-kick is a requirement or not, it may well be. Depends on Master Rhee.
Still a long way till I am at a black belt level of fitness. Need to do more aerobic fitness training.

My Mum came and visited me for my birthday, which was very cool. Her, Pete and Monty (their dog) rolled up in a caravan, just got em to park in my front yard for a few days.

Went to festival again this year. Was pretty fun. Adam made me some landsknecht fighting garb and I fought with a halberd in the war as part of the Baronial War Unit. Good times. Even ended up leading the War Unit once or twice, was strange to have people turn and ask me the plan.

Only just getting into the job applications, need to find a job sometime before Beth's maternity leave payments dry up. I hate writing selection criteria.

Other then that, lots of playing video games (Mass Effect 1 & 2, Dragon Age 2, Evil genius, even some World of Warcraft), watching TV series (Dr Who, Supernatural, Game of Thrones, Archer) and generally bumming around.

Life is hectic, yet, at the same time, feels kind of not eventful? It's weird.
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