Oct 14, 2005 09:54
so i started college, and it fuckin blows. i hate it so much, so here i am a college drop out. im never going again. and so im just going to withdrawl. which honestly isnt a big deal. why pay money to go to school when you hate and are probably never going to go ne ways. so im trying to think of what to do now, and where to go when i decide to go back. which will most likely be next september. i saw my babygirl yesterday, sandra i love you, thanks for everything. and it really blows about the thing. well you know.. i really honestly dont know whether to be relieved or sad? its such a weird feeling. but i mean honestly what the fuck was i thinking. im kinda of an idiot. josh and i are both sick, and it sucks because its like a vicious cycle. i get better he gets sick, and vice versa. but im at his house right now, and he's playing video games. we've been hanging out like mad, and its really cute, because i honestly love him. i mean really. its like ben the repeat, except he's a good guy. but i have all these feelings for him, and its scary. but i mean meh watever. imma go with it. its kinda too good to be true. but watever lets hope it lasts. im sure it will, but in recent history you never know with these things. but ne ways, i have nothing else interesting to say. so this little girl's bouncin'
infinite x's and o's
Amber Jade