Aug 10, 2005 10:59
Well, I officially suck at having an online journal. Maybe not too bad though, because I really just didn't have much time while I was in CO. I've been back since the 4th. It's been kinda crazy! I did all the wedding stuff for Jessica's wedding which went great and was fun! Now I'm just trying to get settled in again and finish putting my room together from moving in like mid-April. Gosh, I'm slow! Oh well, I just have a few more pics to hang up and I need to find places to put some stuff. I can't believe school is starting up the 22nd! It's not like early or anything, but it just seems like the summer flew by! Now please join me in praising the Lord for letting me intern at....drumroll....Sunrise Elementary School!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!! It's like ten mins max probably less from my house!!! Couldn't be happier. I seriously almost cried when I found out this morning! Well I hope everyone had a fabulous summer!! I can't wait to see those of you I haven't seen yet once school starts and all.