Cold Mountain and Work

Jan 09, 2004 20:13

So I saw Cold Mountain yesterday, with the vague hope that it would actually be good. I thought it would be for a bit, but then it turned out to be a sucker punch movie. Dustin asked me to define the term, so I'll do it here as well. It simply means a movie that is contrived or has scenes contrived to make you cry. My sister likes these movies (Spitfire Grill and Hope Floats are fine examples), and I for the most part despise them. Here is the short list for things that are intended to make you cry that I actually like: (I won't include LOTR as the scenes aren't necessarily supposed to make you cry):

1. Somewhere in Time (Film)
2. The Joy Luck Club (Film)
3. Buffy (TV)
4. The Silver Metal Lover by Tanith Lee (Book)

Whether or not I actually do what they intend, that is cry, depends on how well the sucker punch is done, but I refuse to respect their work for intentionally trying to invoke that emotion, i.e., I may cry at a Hallmark commercial, but I'll hate them for making me do it. I cried at the end of FFX-2 and felt very stupid doing it. Ah well. Cold Mountain I think had 3-4 intentional crying scenes, and I didn't cry at the big one. Bitches. All I really brought out of the movie was, "Oh hey, Jude Law is sort of hot." Yep.

Work today didn't suck. It wasn't great, but I managed to get home without having a serious fit of rage. It helped that I got paid today, and it was my first check with happy holiday cash on it. As a specialist now, I can get time and a half if I work on a holiday in addition to holiday pay even if I don't work, so with Christmas and New Year's, I made and extra $160 over my normal paycheck. Bonus. Whoo. I was snippy with guests as usual, but that's a bit like breathing, and I didn't get my list done, but it didn't suck.

I sat with Aly on lunch and we talked about what a twit the newly hired manager is. He informed me today that they might be moving people around in electronics, taking out people that normally work there and putting others in. I was standing at the electronics mailbox upstairs, and so I turned around and gave him this look, and then said, "Umm, I'm the entertainment specialist, it's my job to manage the entertainment department." Then he was like, "Uh, oh... well, I didn't necessarily mean you." He's such an idiot. Who is working in electronics this next week? Kaycie, who is filling in for Marcus our former manager who shifted to the remodel team, and MJ, and me--the same three people its been for the last two weeks. He also insists on having weird random conversations with people he doesn't really know. For instance, he had this treasure with Terri:

Smuck: Hey, I got my wife roses today.
Terri (Actually working on something): ....
Smuck: Do you want to know why...
Terri: ...non-committal grunt...
Smuck: It's 'cause I just like to do things like that.

He's like Chas, only a Chas that somehow tricked a woman into marrying him.
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