`Nice Day for a Walk in the Park~ (Not really, but still.)

Sep 23, 2009 17:11

Today in sixth period, my friend Brett and I discovered the true purpose of three ring binders- they are to be used as fans. FANS.

Why? because (1) We had a bad case of the giggles and anything and everything seems extremely hilarious, even my homework getting blown onto the floor and stepped on... It was a two hour block period right after lunch, so of course we were a little energetic.

(2) This sixth period class is epic lulz, it's me, Cory (Brett's younger brother), Hannah (an annoying chick, but I ignore her) and Ronald in there for study hall/directed studies, and Brett, Becca (my younger sister), Timmy, Soraya, Tommy, and some kids who come over from the local public school who's names I don't know yet in there for Algebra II... Basically, Brett and I sit in the back and try to make each other crack up while we're supposed to be working- usually him on his Algebra II assignment and me on the Pre-Calculus assignment I got in fifth period.

(3) IT IS SO HOT. Haha. Really, it was like 105 degrees out. So yeah, hot. and also, I was starting to doze off on my desk, so Brett waved his binder at me, and I waved mine back and the rest is history!

We spent the next fifteen minutes just waving them around and being silly while Mrs. Doster (well, its actually Mrs. Hatcher now, but I can never remember that) was in the bathroom. (she's seven months pregnant with a boy, Ryder... awesome name, right?) So it was fun.

Wednesdays are really my easy day, with the block schedule, I only have second, fourth and sixth period- so that's Art, Government and Study Hall. EASY~ Well, easy compared to my Thursday, which is first, third, and fifth period, or Physics, English, and Pre-Calculus... and then night school Spanish II. But Thursday night totally makes up for it with SUPERNATURAL at nine, and then THE MENTALIST at ten. Yumminess~ I get to see Castiel, Dean and Sam AND then Jayne! All that goodness on one night.

I'm excited for tonight too, the season premiere of Criminal Minds. I adore that show, Reid is too awesome.

What else? Hmm. We were supposed to go to iHop for dinner tonight because we didn't want at stay home in the heat. (Our old house has no air-conditioning, so I'm baking like a cookie in an oven right now) but I don't think we will because my sister has an appointment. I was so excited about it too, `thinking about eating pancakes all day....

Oh well. Other randomness: I GOT FINAL FANTASY: DISSIDIA! I can't wait to play, I just need to find one of my sisters' PSPs. (Long story short- I'm too cheap and broke to buy my own, but why bother when I can play the ones they never touch? Same with the DS.) Look how tasty it is- http://www.amazon.com/Dissidia-Final-Fantasy-Sony-PSP/dp/B001TD6SN0/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=videogames&qid=1253754020&sr=8-1 I see Tidus, and Squall and Cloud and many other amazing characters, it's sure to be epic.

The other game I've saved up for comes out next Tuesday, and it's this one:  http://www.amazon.com/Kingdom-Hearts-358-Days-Nintendo-DS/dp/B001TD6SK8/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&s=videogames&qid=1253754020&sr=8-2 It feels like we've been waiting for this one for such a long time... I'm super super excited for it. The Kingdom Hearts series of games is what got me into gaming in the first place.

Anything else? Not that I can think right now. Oh well. Best Wishes~! <3

i'm a nerd god loves video games kingdom

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