huh... I guess I should post a little update since I've already been here for almost a week....*cough*
I haven't really felt like going near the computer in general and if it was only to check my email quicklyl, so that's why you haven't really heard from me in a while... I'm still not really in the mood (not sure why) but I thought I probably should make some noises once in a while. *grins*
Milan was hot, omg, so hot and humid and loud, so I didn't get much sleep that night. I did have the most delicious ice cream, though. Real Italian gelato. YUM. I also got to Chicago just fine, but honestly, US immigrations are a pain in the butt...-.-" and, of course, I got The Line That Does Not Move, as usual :P. no luggage missing, though, so that's a plus.
It was the most wonderful feeling, however, that while flying here, there was nothing in my bag that needed to be done. no readings, no papers, nothing. ^_^ And that feeling continues as I'm spending my days here, only doing what I want and like to do: spending a lot of time with my friends and my host family (especially my host mom), shopping (so many new clothes YAY! I do know why I brought hardly any with me. XD) , reading (I already finished the newest Anita Blake book ^____^), sleeping, being VERY lazy, working out, going to movies, rummage saling etc. The weather could be a bit warmer and less rainy (the way it was before I got here...-.-), but hey, that's Wisconsin for you. XD I did get to sunbathe for a couple of hours, though.
I know I owe a few people emails, especially about upcoming visitings, but I think I should get to that at the weekend at the latest. Promise.
And now I'm going outside to read and enjoy the sun (that's been teasing me, hiding behind the clouds for the last few hours) before
gunnm_angel is coming to pick me up. ^_^