So, since I really should be doing other things.... I'm doing this instead (no, I haven't changed in the new year in that regard ... :P)
Yuletide was quite different for me this time around, (1) because I didn't have much information to work with (none at the beginning except for the fandom itself and only scarcely more after I went through the mods to get at least a tiny bit of an idea on how to approach this), (2) because my recipient hasn't replied so far, so I have no idea if she/he liked it or has even read it (yes, I admit I'm a quite sad about that after I went through all the trouble, even though I did enjoy writing it... ^^;), and (3) because I received not only one but TWO stories myself. How cool is that? ^____^
Now, there shall be links:
I wrote
Sleeping Beauty, a Howl's Moving Castle fic (and over 4000 words, too, which is quite long for me ^^;).
Title: Sleeping Beauty
Fandom: Howl's Moving Castle (Movie-verse)
Pairing: Howl/Sophie
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: none, really
Disclaimer: The characters belong to their respective owners. The story is mine.
Summary: One morning Sophie just won't wake up. Howl has to find the cause if he wants her back.
Notes: Written for Aj_Sedai in the Yuletide Challenge 2008.
A huge thank you to
whimsy_chan for the beta and to
belina for neverending and much needed support and encouragement.
Sleeping Beauty - Link to Shades of Color ***
I received my regular yuletide fic from
This I promise You is a really cute Demon Diary fic with a touch of angst, in which Raenef V and Eclipse both struggle with how things changed as Raenef became a full demon lord, in which they both reach certain conclusions, in which they have an argument, in which there is mention of hair (yesyes, this made for a Very Happy haraamis :P), and in which the story ends happily with a kiss. ^_^
In case you're reading this, thank you so much,
I also received a yuletide treat, which is also more than just lovely and not only made my day when I got it, but every day I read it again.
thejennabides wrote
Bring On The Wonder for me - a Natsume Yuujinchou Natsume/Tanuma first time fic. It is exactly what I was looking for since I finished the first season of Natsume, and paired with her writing style which I adore, it is simply perfect. ♥ Thank you, Muskrit, for writing this for me, thank you so very much! *snoogles*