Dear Yuletide Author,
First of all, I'd like to thank you in advance, because I'm sure that no matter which request you decide to fulfill, it will make me happy. All of my requests are fandoms that I love very much and that I haven't really found much fic for (or none at all), so I'm really looking forward to read anything you'll give me.
However, in order to give you a somewhat more detailed idea of what I like, I've written down some points that characterize my fic preferences. I've tried to keep them as general as possible while still making them (hopefully) helpful.
Very generally speaking, I love both slash and het equally and I'm ok with any rating. I do love smut or at least the implication of it, but if that is not something you feel comfortable with, don't worry about it. While I like gen fic, I do prefer fic that features a pairing/pairings of some sort. However, if that is totally not your thing, of course gen fic is fine with me, too. :) I like action, romance, fluff, PWP, fantasy, supernatural, mystery and adventure fic. I'm not a huge fan of complete AU's, though I do love fic that takes the original setting and goes off into a different direction than canon. I'm also not necessarily looking for a particular plot in fics (though I do like plot), but rather for certain elements, some of which are listed below (in totally random order):
Likes: sweetness; smut; mild kink; banter; teasing; cuddling; casual touching; bisexuality; arguing; fighting (physically and with words); "opposites attract"; humor; strong characters; mischief; "actions speak louder than words"; tough guys; laughter; (sexual) tension; introspection; threesomes; joking; get togethers; hair; a touch of angst; gentleness; rough sex; happy endings or endings that provide at least some sort of resolution
Dislikes: death fic; mpreg; extreme possessivness/jealousy; character bashing; whiny, weepy men; torture and humiliation; totally unresolved angst; angst for the sake of angsting; cheesiness; uber-fluff
As for my requests in particular, I thought I'd add just a little bit to the details I put in the sign-up:
Request 1: Natsume Yuujinchou
What I love about this series is the gentleness that appears in so many aspects and which, in my opinion, originates within Natsume himself. I'd love to see this reflected in Natsume and Tanuma's relationship, either as friends or (preferably) as lovers. And since I'm a huge fan of get togethers and first times (of any sort), something in that direction would be absolutely lovely. However, if you prefer to write only about one of the two boys I'd like to see something about Natsume.
Request 2: Zombie Loan
Opposites attract, they say, and that's what fascinates me in Chika and Shito's relationship. I love how they quarrel, but I also think they are really good for each other. Anything that features them needing each other, again either as friends or (preferably) as lovers, would be great. If a single character piece is more to your liking, I'd prefer something on Shito.
Request 3: Demon Diary
I'm obsessed with hair in general, but Eclipse's leaves me beyond words. ^_~ I also love how devoted Eclipse is to his master, sometimes even in spite of himself. Get-together or first time would be lovely, though anything that shows interaction and closeness between Raenef and Eclipse is fine. As a single character I'd prefer Eclipse.
Request 4: Amatsuki
Kon and Toki - I just love the way they interact. As with the above, get-together or first time would make me insanely happy, but anything that shows closeness between them is fine, really. Additionally, although I didn't list her as a character because I didn't want her with either of the boys without the other, I wouldn't mind if Kuchiha also got thrown into the mix. I can totally see a threesome here (and would love it, actually), but no worries if that's not your thing. ^_^ My single character preference would be Kon.
Also, feel free to include any other characters into the fic, as long as the ones I requested play the main role.
If you have any questions, please contact me through the Yuletide admins. Otherwise,
belina would also be a good source, I think. She knows what I like. ^_^
Much love and thank you so much for taking this on,