I got home all right yesterday night, surprisingly for once without ANY problem concerning my luggage or flight. Amazing, isn't it? *snerk*
I slept in today, then had breakfast with my mom. Later we went into town to get pictures done for my application for the Japanese language proficiency test and to pick up some other stuff.
We came back and since it was nice and sunny out, we had lunch in our back yard... ah, life is good. So much green and flowers and it smells so good. *beams*
I realized that I am really happy to be back although I do already miss my friends like crazy...so it's kind of bittersweet. It helps a lot that there is a fall festival in my home town this weekend, so everything is decorated and pretty.
I spent most of tonight helping with my scout group who also has a part in the festival. We put up a huge tent and a tower. Tomorrow I'm gonna be standing in the kitchen there and make fries and steak and stuff...hehe. Lots of fun ahead!
Oh, and I talked to
iniq on the phone today! The sweetheart called me to see if I got home ok. *loves on her madly*
*yawns* Now I need to go to bed and try to avoid getting jetlagged...I've been fine so far, and I do hope it stays that way...