(no subject)

Dec 28, 2005 11:49

1. Did you have a new year's resolution this year? Not really
2. Who kissed you at midnight? No one, Tim made me go watch a movie and I missed the ball drop
3. Does it snow where you live? Not often
4. Do you like hot chocolate? Of course
5. Have you ever been to Times Square to watch the ball drop? Nah

1. Who was your valentine in 2005? Tim
2. What did your valentine get you? An ugly crystal bear that Jenifer ended up breaking
3. When you were little, did you buy valentines for your whole class? I was too lazy to write all those people's names on the cards.

1. Are you Irish? part
2. Do you wear green on St. Patty's Day? If I don't wanna get pinced... duh
3. What did you do for St. Patty's Day in 2005? I coincidently broke up with Tim on the phone that day, I deserve a slap on the wrist for that one

1. Do you like the rain? I do
2. Did you play an April fool's joke on anyone this year? No, I'm too nice.. .I'd end up feeling bad, lol.
3. Did you get tons of candy on Easter? No
**Just worth mentioning: This was the month I started dating Juan <3**

1. White roses? Don't grow anywhere near me
3. Do you like the spring? Of course... minus the pollen that makes me sick, lol
4. Finish the phrase: "April showers bring May flowers..." "out like a lion in like a lamb"???
5. What would you think of as a spring color? Blue... sky blue

1. What year did you graduate from school? 2005, hell yeah!
2. Did you go on any vacations last June? Georgia for my aunts funearl type thing

1. What did you do on the 4th of July? Fireworks in NYC... oh and Jenifer bought this toy off the streets and did something that was funny that I can't remember.
2. Did you go on any vacations during this month? Yes, the NYC trip that I just mentioned. Stupid survey.

1. Did you do anything special to end off your summer? Ya know, it's weird... I can barley remember the summer
2. What was your favorite summer memory of '05? Getting to make out with Juan in the rain
3. Do you go swimming a lot in the summer? No, I actually hate swimming
4. Do you go to the beach a lot? No

1. Did you attend school/college in '05? First semester of College :)
2. Who is/was your favorite teacher? Gotta side with Jenifer... Chief Miller all the way
3. Do you like fall better than summer? It's so much prettier

1. What was your favorite halloween costume ever? Pretending to be Jenifer
2. What's your favorite candy? Anything that didn't have poison in it
3. What did you dress up like this year? The mean lonely lady that passed out candy, lol

1. Who's house do you usually go to for Thanksgiving? Usually, my own house... but this year we went to dad's
2. Do you like stuffing? Yeah, with gravy
3. What are you thankful for? For my mom's health, and the love of my life: Juan Danile Rivera

1. Do you celebrate Christmas? Of course... Christianity all the way, lol
2. Have you ever been kissed under mistletoe? No :(
3. What do you want this year for Christmas? For my mom to be healthy
4. What's the best present you ever got for Christmas? best present? My Juan
5. Do you like cold weather? Sometimes
6. How would you rate your 05? It was a good year... waaaay too much drama though. But I met Juan, dated Juan, graduated, started college, got my first tattoo, turned 18, went to my first concert, got a ring from Juan, on a scale 1-10 an 8.9
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