If I were a rich man, yebedebedebedebedadum....I'd buy a lot of t-shirts from random websites.
a Jesus shirt:
http://www.bustedtees.com/shirts/jesusshaves JESUS SHAVES, yo. I don't. *hides hair legs*
a good lesson:
http://www.bustedtees.com/shirts/condiments "practice safe lunch, use a condiment" haha. I am amused.
a cow shirt:
http://www.noisebot.com/save_a_cow_eat_a_vegan_t-shirt "Save a cow, eat a vegan" those damn vegans. Us meat eaters SHOULD eat them.
Holy Grail shirt:
http://www.oldglory.com/lp/product/~category_id=BFD_368/~product_id=014595MOTS WTF. This one I would buy right now but it's out of stock!
There's so many fun shirts out there that I can't afford. It makes me sad.