I really need to use tags

Dec 21, 2006 06:21

It is 6:30 a.m. I have been up for hours. Yesterday, after dropping the old Christmas cards off at the post office, I was swinging the double stroller into the back of the Explorer and SOMETHING TERRIBLE happened to my back. Something popped out of my spine and popped back in - at least that is what it felt like. I could barely get back into the car. I had to have Ron bring the girls inside and he stayed home from work so he could help because I can't life anything. Sitting down is the worst - getting up is pretty bad too. My shoulder, knee and entire back hurt now. I have a doctor's appt. at two today.

So - I don't know if thinking about Hawaii, Lucy sleeping in her crib from 8:30-2:30 without waking to nurse or my back is keeping me up - but I really want to sleep! Can I take muscle relaxers while nursong?
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