Lock it down.

Apr 06, 2012 20:49

For the first time, in the 15 years that I have been blogging hither or yon, I have chosen to lock it all down. This was a point of pride, to live so openly, however reality is annoying and grandma can use google. If there is a post you had in your memories that you would like to read again, please post a link here and I might unlock it, or add you.

If you are a friend, and at some point you fell off the f-list, please remind me of who you are, or how we know each-other, and I may add/ re-add you. I am not and never have been an "add you back" kind of girl, and I didn't keep up because there were very few locks and not much added benefit to friends -- however, rest assured, I post here very infrequently these days and you aren't missing much.

And for the folks who might take issue, count their stats, use that little app-thing, "friend-list status" is not directly correlative to "being a friend" or not... I don't roll that way - I never have.

Cool? Cool.

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