no.2 pleased to meet you

Aug 01, 2015 17:22

❝Ballad of a comeback kid!❞
o v e r v i e w: Alexis, 16, female, lesbian, northern Colorado, bored high school student with an internet addiction. Likes bad jokes, caffeine, impromptu dance parties, hot dead people, and pretty clothing.

f a n d o m s: Hetalia, Bioshock, Amnesia, South Park, Persona, The Book of Mormon (musical), Andrew Rannells, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Adventure Time, Baccano, various HBO/Showtime shit, obscure BL, LOST, Supernatural, sports, Scandinavian horror films, Community, Assassins Creed, Harry Potter, Broadway, history is always #1.

i n t e r e s t s: philosophy, acid prose, pretending to be a superhero, theoretical physics, applied mathematics, horror, gore, cutesy shit, science fiction, psychology, true crime, creative writing, musical theater, 20s/30s America, international relations, communism, policy debate, going on adventures, abandoned houses, mythology, big cities, abandoned mental asylums, hipster music, travelling, zombies, revolution, history is always #1.

p e r s o n a l i t y: probably a slytherin, chaotic good, INTJ, believes in the virtues of brutal honesty, a bit of an egotist, outspoken and angry, oddly perceptive, relentlessly optimistic, hates being idle, argumentative, fiercely loyal, adventurous, moderately outgoing, overly ambitious, kind of a downtown indie music hipster, in love with being alive, mostly confident, hopeless romantic, shy on the surface, hopefully mature, typically terrific. 

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