
Jul 15, 2006 06:03

Ok I had this dream last night. It was kinda wierd becuz the people in it I never see anymore. Anyway, I'll cut to the chase.

Allegra you just got off work. Yes you worked at PT still but it wasn't the mall. We all lived in this "Hick Town" out in the middle of nowhere it seemed. Yea why would people need tuxedo's out in the boonies? Idon't know either.

Well you got off work and their was this choral thing going on. Except me you and lil paul decided that we would show up and sign our names up just to get credit and then leave and go somewhere much more exciteing.

Well we decided that we were just going to go next store to the town theatre to go bowling. But we didn't have socks. So The Bowling Shop was connected to this Shoes and Socks store. Oh yea i didn't mention we didn't have any shoes at all...for some reason.

We walked into this "Shoes and Socks" store with paul in the middle of us and tip toeing. Now see all the shoes their no matter what kind were $10 dollars and under. (Your thinking I thought we went their to get socks right?) Right. But we ended up buying one pair of converse. Black.

You wore one sock on your left foot and one shoe on your right. And vise versa for me. I had one shoe on my left foot and one sock on my right foot. What The Fuck could we do with one shoe and one sock????????

Who knows...Well anyway now it is 6:11 am and i am on my way to my family reuninion.

It would be plentifuls nice to come back to some commments!!!
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