Introducing Diz and Nicki; they're my humanoid versions of Nickleodeon and Disney Channel.

Mar 10, 2010 17:54

I love doing these. First the Numbers and now Disney and Nickleodeon. :)

Nicki didn’t have a problem living next door to Diz, or being her friend/aquaintance. She was a nice girl. They had similar tastes in music, and boys, and they were both cute and popular and they had interests in common. But gosh, Diz always had to prove she was better at everything. It was always a competition with her. If they were going out, Diz always tried to outshine Nicki with her clothes. Diz’s shiny, brunette, wavy hair was always perfect, while Nicki usually pulled her shocking ginger hair in an elastic band. Diz floated in pretty dresses and low cut tops and Nicki slummed it in jeans, sneakers and t shirts.

Though it was hard to prove, Nicki always knew Diz did it on purpose. She had to have it all. And she had to do everything bigger and better.

But Nicki didn’t sweat it. She knew people liked her. She just had to be her quirky, weird, slightly irreverent self. So though people flocked to Diz like she was a water source, people also smiled and waved at the cute girl with the orange hair in the cool shirt.

weird!fic, diz and nicki

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