I need to stop ignoring my poor DA gallery. I keep staying away from it because I still have like 170 watchers to leave thankyou comments for and I'll feel really harsh if I don't, but oh my gaaaaawd. I know that makes me sound like an awful ungrateful brat but still.
I've been helping Pyro a lot with character design lately, and it's put me in a really creative mood for my own stuff too. We got to discussing our perfect fictional worlds. His is a Mad-Max-esque desert future with motorbikes and things. Mine is a consumerism-worshipping city of lights and billboards. We're very different people :3c
Actually because of all the cute stuff on
homestar's LJ lately (and also partially due to all the gayass music I've been indulging in) I've been drawing a lot of Dangeresque lately. I've been a little shy to ink it but I think I might try adding some psychedelic colour while I watch HIGNIFY tonight. It's not surprising that I love the Dangeresque-verse so much since I have something of a gayness for cliché maveric detectives.
In closing all of you should love K-ON and here is a fantastic version of the opening song THAT I ADORE.
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