we are tonight ((1/2))

Dec 31, 2014 16:50

title: we are tonight
pairing: baekhyun/chanyeol
rating: nc1769
length: 16.2k
warning: rly shotty writing and lots of bad porn. lots.
summary: over the course of the week, baekhyun ends up on chanyeol’s cock more often than he’d like to admit. not that they’re exclusive.
notes: this idea is rly cliche and all that but I still hope you guys enjoy it!! tysssssm to mai for being the most supportive ever?? and for dealing w my procrastination and just helping me w everything you're srsly the best <3

and, for the most important bit: happy happy happy happy happy happy happy belated birthday tee!! I'm sorry this is seven months late I'm such a shit ;n; but I managed to finish it before 2015!! hehe ;u; I really hope you like this even though it's not the best. at all. far from it. I love you so much, and thank you for being an amazing friend and my special bbtee c:

and, happy new year's to everyone else!!!

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“Six months?” Lu Han lets out a low whistle. “That is… quite some time.”

“I hadn't noticed,” Baekhyun deadpans, glaring at his friend over the rim of his mug.

“But what about Cat Guy?” Lu Han snaps his fingers, and Baekhyun shakes his head.

“That was a blow job in the bathroom. Little fucker left before getting me off too, that asshole.” Lu Han chuckles at the hint of resentment in Baekhyun’s tone. “That isn’t funny, Lu Han. I seriously thought my dick was going to fall off with the amount of pain I was in. Solid, rock hard.”

Lu Han doesn’t bother muffling his laughter this time, raising his arm as a makeshift shield against Baekhyun’s punches.

This is definitely no laughing matter for Baekhyun.

Six long months.

That’s the amount of time he’s remained abstinent. Not that it’s anything to applaud or cheer about, because let’s face it; of all people, Byun Baekhyun was not one to go for half a year without sex.

His last boyfriend was no slouch in the sack, but when that ended Baekhyun was left with just his right hand for company, copious amounts of lube and/or moisturizer, and the walk of shame to the health section of his nearest convenience store to stock up for those late-night sessions.

For some reason, Baekhyun was just going through a dry, dry, dry spell.

“How do you want me to help?” Lu Han shrugs, eyes flicking up at the sound of the ringing bell above the café door.

“I don’t know, recommend me a guy or something; I just need a one night stand to get me back in the dick game.”

“I’d gladly offer my assistance.”

Baekhyun doesn’t even flinch, turning his head to glare at the guy leaning against the pillar next to their table.

“Fuck off, Park.”

“I’d rather fuck your sweet little ass, Byun,” Chanyeol grins, sending him a kiss. It’s only when Baekhyun directs a very choice finger his way does he (thankfully) take his leave, but not before giving another lewd comment of, “Just remember, my dick is always here,” coupled with a very classy gesture of Chanyeol grabbing onto his crotch.

“He’s such an asshole,” Baekhyun grimaces, downing more of his drink to wash away the flavour of Horny Jerk. Talking to Chanyeol always leaves a bad taste in his mouth.

“He’s also perfect.”

Baekhyun stares wide at Lu Han, “Perfect for what? Giving someone the clap?”

“To help you get laid,” Lu Han smiles.

“Are you fucking kidding me?” Baekhyun explodes, hands flying above his head for emphasis. He pretends not to notice the amount of attention he draws to their table in the corner, choosing to concentrate on yelling at the person he calls his best friend. It’s a good thing Chanyeol is on the other side of the restaurant, or his huge fucking ears would nose into their conversation again, and Baekhyun’s already had to deal with enough Park Chanyeol for the day. “I am not asking Park Chanyeol to give me a good dicking no matter how long it’s been!”

“Six months~” Lu Han ever-so-helpfully singsongs, and Baekhyun shoots him a look.

“Yeah, and I’m not planning on getting herpes as a Welcome Back gift from the days of Being Sexually Active.”

“You make him sound like a walking STD.”

“He practically is. Who knows where his dick has been.” Baekhyun mutters.

“Is all of this,” Lu Han waves an open palm in the air, “because he mistook you for a girl during freshman year at that frat party?”

“Um, no.” Baekhyun very unconvincingly scoffs.

Lu Han rolls his eyes, “Just think about it. No strings attached, remember?” Baekhyun feigns annoyance, wrapping his scarf around his neck as he makes to leave with Lu Han for their next lecture. “You know he’s going to be okay with it; he’s been after your ass for years.”

“That’s just Park being himself,” Baekhyun argues, and Lu Han raises an eyebrow at his denial. “What?”

Lu Han sighs, shrugging on his jacket, “Nothing, never mind. Let’s get going.”

Baekhyun isn’t entirely convinced Lu Han didn’t have more to say, but he keeps quiet, following him out the café. “But anyways, from what I’ve heard,” Lu Han continues, “his dick is fucking massive.”

It’s not that Lu Han has managed to sway him (Baekhyun does not focus on the ending comment, and definitely doesn’t Google the quantitative measure for ‘massive’) but he supposes he’s right; Chanyeol is perpetually horny, and who better to participate in one night of just animalistic fucking with than a guy who Baekhyun would only want for his, cough, assets.

Chanyeol isn’t a friend, so there’d be no concern of attachment or making things awkward between the two. Baekhyun can’t deny that Park Chanyeol is kind of, well, somewhat, attractive, so that doesn’t hurt in the Looks Department. In theory, it’s perfect.

Actually going through with it though, is another matter.

Baekhyun thinks himself a pretty confident guy, so he doesn't know how to explain the bundle of nerves that are steadily growing inside his stomach. It’s just Park Chanyeol. There’s no way he’s going to say no - the guy practically lives for sex. He’s definitely not going to laugh in Baekhyun’s face. Not at all.

The last minute mental pep talk doesn’t seem to help Baekhyun at all, but his feet are moving before his brain can stop them, and before he knows it, he’s standing right next to the vending machine, feet planted firmly together. It takes a one-second look at Chanyeol for Baekhyun to immediately regret his previous actions, and the thought of running away is looking like a pretty good alternative at the moment. But it’s not like Baekhyun can turn around and pretend that he didn’t just saunter up to Chanyeol with the intention of conversation, especially with the way he’s posed and looking right up at him.

He adjusts the strap of his shoulder bag one last time, coughing into a closed fist as Chanyeol punches in the digits on the keypad.

“Hey, uh, Park,” Baekhyun says, attempting to lean against the machine as casually as possible.

Chanyeol grabs his drink-Red Bull, figures-and pops open the tab, imitating Baekhyun’s own pose with arms crossed as he takes a sip.

“What’s up Byun? Decided your ass needed a taste of my cock?”

In every other previous situation much like this one, Baekhyun would have replied with a retort along the lines of, “Eat shit,” and stuck his middle finger up at him, to which Chanyeol would have, once again, blown him a kiss, and maybe winked.

But this isn’t one of their normal exchanges, and Baekhyun can’t really do any of that because Chanyeol is, well, right on the money.

“Um. Yeah.”

Baekhyun’s actually glad Chanyeol’s cockiness exudes in greetings to pretty much anyone about his dick, because Baekhyun would have most likely died on the spot (and then been resurrected to actually go through with the fucking) if he had to utter the words, “Hey Park, it’s been six months since I’ve had a dick up my ass and vice versa, and apparently, your schlong is the one I’ve chosen to end this dry spell. Congratulations!”

He doesn’t know if surprise looks good on Chanyeol, because the other’s eyes are blown wide and Baekhyun thinks he’s trying to talk, but all that’s coming out are some choked out coughs. Baekhyun raises an eyebrow, feeling slightly worried with how Chanyeol is sort of chugging his sweat-tasting energy drink so he can actually breathe.

“Uh, are you okay?” Baekhyun’s brows furrow, but Chanyeol is waving his concern away and muttering out a very choked, “I’m fine.”

It’s not like Baekhyun cares much for Chanyeol’s wellbeing (he’s spent the majority of his college life wishing a snake would attach itself to Chanyeol’s dick and chew it off) so he’s only asking out of politeness really.

“What did you say?” Chanyeol asks, voice still raspy.

Baekhyun rolls his eyes, “I might have, maybe, taken you up on your offer, to fuck me…” Baekhyun trails off, words becoming inaudible before even reaching the end of his sentence.

If there were an award for the quickest Transformation Back To Cocky, Chanyeol would win hands down. He’s already smirking down at Baekhyun, eyebrows raised in flirtation, effectively sandwiching him into the corner between the wall.

“Sorry, Byun, was what that?”

Baekhyun stares daggers at Chanyeol, repeating himself through gritted teeth, “Yes. I. Would. Like. Your. Dick. Happy?” He shoots him a sarcastic smile, and doesn’t miss the way Chanyeol’s eyes light up with the admittance. He’s too preoccupied with watching the way the younger’s tongue flicks out to lick over his lips (sinful, is the word that comes to mind) to notice that Chanyeol’s leaning in, until he’s almost at eye level and Baekhyun has to reflexively stick his textbook between the two of them to prevent him from coming any closer.

“Are you fucking kidding me? I said you could fuck me, not maul me with your mouth in the corridor.” Baekhyun brings the book back down when he’s assured that Chanyeol is at a safe distance, and shakes his head. “Just, come to my apartment tomorrow. Okay? I’ll text you the address.”

Chanyeol winks, giving him a very appreciate onceover that makes Baekhyun feel as though he’s naked, before the elder pushes past him. He pretends he doesn’t hear him shout, “Can’t wait for tomorrow, Byun!” with that damn deep voice that drips seduction, and waits until he’s turned the corner before pausing to take a deep breath.

In hindsight, Baekhyun thinks, that could have gone worse.

“Baekhyun, calm down.” Lu Han’s voice tries to assure the male as he paces up and down his living room, his fingers gripping onto the phone like it’s a lifeline.

“He’s coming over in thirty minutes!” Baekhyun hisses, staring at the clock. He’s chosen to take refuge under a blanket on his couch, for some reason.

“Why are you whispering?”

“I… don’t know. God, this was such a bad idea. Maybe I should call it off. Text him and say I’ve come down with a really bad sickness. What’s bad enough to get me out of this?”

“Herpes?” Lu Han jokes, and Baekhyun honestly considers it as an excuse. “Jesus, don’t worry Baekhyun. I’m sure you guys will... have fun.” There’s an underlying innuendo to Lu Han’s tone which Baekhyun doesn’t appreciate one bit because thinking about sexual things makes him think about having sex with Chanyeol, and it’s sex with Chanyeol, and oh dear God he really did not think things through.

The doorbell is enough of an alarm to bring Baekhyun out of his How To Cancel With STD Plan, and Lu Han chuckles on the other line, “Well, that’s my cue to leave; use protection!”

Baekhyun would laugh if his throat didn’t feel drier than a desert. It’s like all the water and moisture got sucked out his body, and he can’t even form the words, “Fuck you,” to tell Lu Han before hanging up.

He’s early. Park Chanyeol is fucking early.

The doorbell rings again, followed by a quick knock and Chanyeol’s stupidly deep voice calling out for Baekhyun.

“Just a second!” Baekhyun croaks out, sounding every bit the opposite of composed as he scrambles out from under his blanket. He quickly stops in front of the mirror above the entrance table, fluffing down his hair, and trying to smooth down his shirt to look as proper as possible.

Well, as proper as one can be for a scheduled fucking with a nemesis.

“Byun?” Chanyeol calls out again through the door, and Baekhyun can practically see the smirk. That asshole.

He takes another deep breath before swinging open the door, eyes resting on Chanyeol’s lean figure as he stands, arm raised and resting on the doorframe, smarmy grin attached, “Took your time. Were you off wanking in preparation?”

“You’re already making me regret this, Park,” Baekhyun glares. Chanyeol takes no notice, walking past him and into the apartment, hands in pockets as his eyes scan the room.

“So do I get a royal tour? Or are we just diving straight into this?” He raises an eyebrow knowingly, and Baekhyun can’t help but blush.

“J-just… go to the bedroom,” Baekhyun points in its direction, “I’ll be right there.”

Chanyeol shrugs, poking his head around corners as he makes his way down the corridor. It’s as soon as he’s out of sight does Baekhyun let out the huge breath he’s been holding. It’s a split-second decision that moves Baekhyun to grab the bottle of beer on the kitchen counter (he might have had the first half in efforts to calm his nerves an hour before) and down the rest of it in one go, before following Chanyeol to the bedroom.

The younger is seated on his bed, arms stretched behind him as he leans back on the comforter. It takes one quick look at the way his legs are “casually” spread and that (Baekhyun swears is permanent) cocky grin for him to blurt out, “Maybe this is a bad idea.”

“Well,” Chanyeol tilts his neck to the side, and Baekhyun outwardly grimaces at the crack that sounds through the room, “you don’t know that until we try.”

And then Chanyeol licks-licks-his lips, and Baekhyun’s dick twitches. Traitor.

It’s not his fault Chanyeol’s lips look all pink and slick and amazingly soft, and Baekhyun literally has to shake his head to get thoughts of that mouth around his dick out of his head. He doesn’t know what he was thinking. This is Chanyeol. Park Chanyeol. Certified Asshole.

And Baekhyun had actually suggested sleeping with him. It’s all Lu Han’s fault really, that little fucker.

Chanyeol shifts on the bed, smoothing down the creases in his jeans, “But fine, if you really want to back out of this, sure. How long has it been since you’ve had sex?”

“What?” Baekhyun looks startled. Discussing his six-month dry spell isn’t exactly a comfortable topic between the two of them.

“Well, I mean, you must be desperate enough to get laid if you’ve come to me,” Chanyeol smirks. Again.

“Ugh, fuck off, Park.”

“No, but seriously, a month? Two?”


“Three? Holy shit, four months? Wow, you must have been a real tight ass if-“

In retrospect, Baekhyun thinks there probably was a better method to shutting Chanyeol up than kissing him, but it seems to work pretty effectively. He’s surprised at how quick he managed to fly across the room, because right now his knees are on either side of Chanyeol’s thighs and he’s kissing with so much force it’s as if he’s trying to steal all his air.

Chanyeol’s hands are already on the small of his back, running up and down before he slips a hand underneath his shirt and Baekhyun gasps into the kiss at the warmth of the touch. Chanyeol is the one to pull away first, both of their chests heaving substantially with efforts of regaining their breath.

“So this is happening?” He asks, eyes wide and a little dazed at the force of Baekhyun’s kiss.

“Shut up, Park,” comes Baekhyun’s reply, fisting his hands in the front of his shirt and yanking him back into an open-mouthed kiss.

(Baekhyun tells himself the reason he’s so into kissing the breath out of Chanyeol is for the silence that comes with it).

His tongue licks into Chanyeol’s mouth all filthy and messy, and he’s too focused on running his hands through Chanyeol’s (surprisingly) soft hair (it was a fair assumption to think it would be all greased by too much hair product) to notice the younger’s hands at the waistband of his jeans, his fingers deftly undoing the zipper and buttons.

He does, however, realize when Chanyeol’s fingertips skim over his dick and there’s a sharp intake of breath, causing Chanyeol to smile into the kiss. The palm of his hand starts to rub over his crotch, and Baekhyun can feel himself slowly hardening.

“Take your shirt off,” Baekhyun breathes into Chanyeol’s mouth, and the younger takes the chance to take Baekhyun’s bottom lip between his teeth and suck, before lifting the material up and over his head. He takes a second to appreciate the firmness that is Chanyeol’s torso and arms, before latching onto his mouth again, letting his hands wander down his chest. The rest of their clothes, save for underwear, shortly join Chanyeol’s shirt on the floor and before long, Baekhyun’s lying on his back, legs spread wide for Chanyeol to fit nicely between them. Baekhyun can feel Chanyeol’s semi grinding against his own through the cloth as he continues to bite into the expanse of his neck, making marks and tracking kisses down his chest.

Baekhyun whimpers with every touch of his lips, feeling all so good and hot on his skin as he bucks his hips up. Chanyeol’s grinning down at him, and suddenly his legs are on Chanyeol’s shoulders and Baekhyun squeaks as Chanyeol continues to place chaste pecks on the inside of his thighs.

“Fuck, your thighs are just as nice as your ass, Byun.”

“Just fucking get on with it, Park,” Baekhyun throws his head back on the pillow and shuts his eyes tightly. Somehow, the sight of Chanyeol between his legs doesn’t seem weird, but that might just be the alcohol. He feels him peel his briefs off without warning, and Baekhyun’s cheeks immediately flush, the heat licking up the back of his neck and at his face. It’s a tiny moment of sanity where the thoughts of oh my fucking God, I’m completely naked my dick and balls are right there in front of his face, cloud his mind, but then Chanyeol grins, and Baekhyun automatically rolls his eyes in response.

“Are you going to suck my dick or just stare at it?” Baekhyun asks, and Chanyeol lets his legs down to rest on his elbows. His breath ghosts over Baekhyun’s cock, and there’s that infuriating smirk that gleams in his eyes, before Chanyeol’s tongue darts out to lick at the precome at the tip. Baekhyun bites down on his bottom lip to try and muffle his whine, because he’s so close to feeling that heat around his dick, but Park Chanyeol is being, well, Park Chanyeol.

He kind of wants to grab onto the back of his head and force him down, but any strength left in his arms dies when Chanyeol finally, finally takes the head into his mouth, and Baekhyun all but moans. Really damn loudly.

Baekhyun feels Chanyeol’s mouth curl up around his dick as he sucks, letting his tongue curl around as he bobs his head up and down, and Baekhyun’s sounding more and more wanton as his nails dig into the sheets. It’s been long, way too long since anyone’s sucked his dick this good.

It’s been too long since anyone’s sucked his dick, period.

It’s with much regret that Chanyeol pulls away, because the little sounds Baekhyun is making are really too cute, and they only exist to spur him on. There’s a string of spit between his lips and the tip of Baekhyun’s cock, and he wipes across his mouth.

“Feel good, Byun?”

“No, I’m moaning like a bitch in heat because it’s fucking horrible,” Baekhyun bites out, and Chanyeol chuckles before climbing up the bed and pressing a kiss to Baekhyun’s pert nipple. Baekhyun chokes out another whimper when Chanyeol lightly bites down, tugging at it between his teeth before licking over it. He grins, his left hand coming up to play with Baekhyun’s untouched bud. “You’re quite sensitive, Byun.”

“Shut up,” Baekhyun covers his face with his arm, the blush rapidly making a comeback across his cheeks.

“Don’t worry, it’s really fucking hot, to be honest.” He feels Chanyeol lift up off him and he peeks out from under his arm to see him on his knees, stripping off his boxers, and Baekhyun’s mouth goes very, very dry. He thinks his jaw drops as well. He wouldn’t be surprised.

He doesn’t meet Chanyeol’s eyes, covering his face again because the sight of Chanyeol’s monster cock, all red and hard and throbbing, complete with the glisten of precome at the tip, is definitely enough to push all the blood in Baekhyun’s body to his cheeks. The entire package is nice, really fucking nice, torso defined and legs strong, but Baekhyun’s still temporarily stunned to focus on anything but the shaft in between said legs.

He thinks he hears Chanyeol ask for the lube and condoms (there’s too much blood pounding in his ears and his mind is still reeling with thoughts of oh my God oh my God how is that going to fit in me oh my God he is gigantic! to hear properly, and Baekhyun haphazardly sticks an arm out to point at his bedside table.

He feels a weight lift off the mattress, and he rolls onto his stomach, burying his face into his pillow as the sounds of Chanyeol opening drawers and fishing around for the bottle fill the room. He’s sort of reconsidering this entire thing because Chanyeol is considerably bigger than anyone he’s taken before, and all Baekhyun really wanted was a simple nice, average cock that wouldn’t split him in half to get the ball rolling again.

He isn’t paying much attention until he feels Chanyeol spread his cheeks and slide cold fingers in between, and his breath hitches, hands threatening to rip at the sheets.

“Oh, right,” Chanyeol begins, one finger pressing in at his hole, “it’s cold.”

“I figured.” Baekhyun grits out before muttering, “Asshole.”

“Maybe you should watch the language around the guy about to finger your ass,” Chanyeol replies, accompanied as always with the joking lilt to his tone, and Baekhyun’s about to retort with something equally as witty before Chanyeol’s pushing a finger in. Baekhyun digs his face into the sheets, trying to muffle his cries of holyshitholyshitholyshit, because the feeling is all so familiar and foreign at the same time, and he can’t help but already rock back on Chanyeol’s hand. He needs more, so much more.

“Patience is a virtue, Byun,” Chanyeol smirks, and Baekhyun unfolds an arm from underneath him to flip Chanyeol off.

“Hurry the fuck up,” Baekhyun says, pushing back again so Chanyeol gets the hint, and it’s not long after (thankfully, he praises) that a second digit is pushing in. Baekhyun whines for the third as soon as Chanyeol gets his index finger in, and his eyebrows raise slightly. There’s been so little preparation that he isn’t sure Baekhyun can take it, but the elder is moaning and asking for it through gritted teeth, and his very voice is enough to make Chanyeol’s cock twitch.

He continues to stretch Baekhyun out, tips of his fingers brushing up against that spongy spot inside, and Baekhyun lets a loud moan escape, rocking back harder and faster to the point where he’s fucking himself on Chanyeol’s hand, trying to hit his prostate again. He thinks he could come right then and there.

But then Chanyeol pulls out and Baekhyun whimpers, clenching around nothing.

“Oh God, Park, please just fucking get in me, please, please, please,” Baekhyun cries, rising his ass up even more as he claws at the sheets, head turned and cheek pressed against the mattress. He can hear the tearing of the wrapper, and waits with pained breaths as Chanyeol gloves himself up, squeezing more lube out on his hand to slick the condom up.

“You’re such a needy whore, Byun,” Chanyeol simpers, holding his cock at the base and dragging the head between Baekhyun’s cheeks. He teases, lingering at Baekhyun’s entrance and rubbing the slick tip across the hole, and it’s with every second that Baekhyun clenches his fists tighter.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck, just fuck me,” Baekhyun can’t help but beg, and then he feels the rubbery head press against his hole and he gasps out. Chanyeol slowly pushes in, his own breath quickening as the warmth envelopes his cock. He never expected Baekhyun to be this tight, and he pauses for a second because Baekhyun is just so unbelievably snug around his dick. He keeps himself steady on his knees, one hand coming up to grip Baekhyun’s hip as he continues to push in to the hilt.

“Shit, you’re-big,” Baekhyun gasps out. He can feel every inch, every centimetre, and he’s loud, not caring enough to muffle any of his whimpers. Chanyeol, both fortunately and regrettably, feels so damn good. Baekhyun can say he’s honestly never felt so full, so stretched and incredibly full, and it’s a mantra of profanities that spill from his mouth as Chanyeol finally bottoms out.

Their first time is anything but slow and sweet.

Chanyeol doesn’t wait long at all, spurred on by how much Baekhyun wants his cock, and how amazing he feels, and he pulls back to thrust in with increasing force as he starts to pound into him, rough and hard.

“Shit, shit, oh God,” Baekhyun cries, hands coming up to grip at the headboard as Chanyeol’s fingers dig harder into his hips as leverage to speed up his thrusts.

“Fuck, you’re tight, Byun.”

“Just-fuck-harder, harder!” Baekhyun rolls his hips back, dropping his head down and clenching his eyes shut.

“God, you’re fucking tight,” Chanyeol repeats, jackhammering into Baekhyun as he breathily exhales. He’s got a fist around his cock and he’s jacking himself off in pace with Chanyeol’s pistoning. It’s the very opposite of gentle as they fill the room with slaps of skin and gasping moans.

Baekhyun comes without warning, spurts of come landing on his hand and bedspread as his arms weaken. He lets his body drop to the mattress as Chanyeol fucks into him, hard and unforgiving, and Baekhyun shifts up the bed with every forceful thrust. Chanyeol doesn’t take too long after to release into the condom, continuing to fuck Baekhyun through the orgasm as the elder weakly whimpers at the feel of his cock stretching him out.

Baekhyun’s too much of in a daze to follow Chanyeol’s movements, his eyes fluttering closed as Chanyeol tugs off the condom and throws it in the trashcan. He feels the bed dip, turning his head to see Chanyeol on his back, chest rising noticeably, hair matted with sweat to his forehead.

He’s feeling so tired, so fucked out and exhausted to fully absorb the fact he just bedded Park Chanyeol, and feel any regret. He doesn’t know if it’s the length of his abstinence that’s fooling him, but Baekhyun can’t help but feel inclined to agree with those rumours of Chanyeol being fucking great in bed.

What just happened, that was beyond great.

Chanyeol shifts on the bed, turning on his side to face Baekhyun’s back, “You know, those moaning sounds you make are cute, Byun.”

Baekhyun’s face heats up uncontrollably, “Shut the fuck up.”

Baekhyun wakes up feeling like a jackhammer drilled ten feet into his ass, with dried come on his stomach. The other side of the bed is empty, sheets messed and pillow indented, and Baekhyun struggles to sit up. It takes him a minute to realize why his ass feels so split in half, before he hears the tap running and he spins his head. The bathroom door opens a second later to reveal Chanyeol, stumbling into the bedroom half dressed (bottom half, of course), hand fluffing the back of his head.

“Hey Byun,” Chanyeol greets, grin on his face.

And then Baekhyun’s wide awake.

“Park? Park?” Baekhyun all but screeches, grabbing at the sheets to cover himself up. The morning regret is hitting him hard, and despite the feeling of satisfaction that’s currently lying in his gut, his head is telling him how oh so wrong this is.

“I don’t know what you’re so shy about,” Chanyeol chuckles at Baekhyun’s extremely frazzled display; the elder shuffles up the bed with every step that Chanyeol takes forward, back hitting the headboard when Chanyeol places a knee on the edge of the mattress, leaning forward, “I saw everything last night.”

Baekhyun shuts his eyes, knees drawn up to his chest as he replies, “Shut up, Park.”

“That’s definitely not what you were begging me to do last night,” he grins, and Baekhyun opens an eye, arm already raised to whack him on the shoulder. Chanyeol’s hand shoots out to grip his wrist before he can, and Baekhyun looks up to meet the sly smirk on his face.

Before he knows it, Baekhyun is being pulled down the bed, Chanyeol holding him down as he straddles his hips, “Or do you need a reminder?”

“Three times?” Lu Han’s eyes blow wide, and Baekhyun glumly nods. “How did that even happen?”

“It might have been two rounds of morning sex,” he mumbles into his food, and Jongdae chokes on his drink, his chorus of laughter following suit when he’s coughed it all out.

“Oh my God,” Jongdae chortles, “Didn’t his dick rip your ass to pieces?”

“No,” Baekhyun mutters, before his hand subconsciously reaches down to rub at his behind.

Jongdae’s laughter abruptly stops when Baekhyun’s foot meets his crotch.

Baekhyun takes care not to run into Chanyeol, peeking around corners and coming into lectures as late as possible to avoid any actual conversation. It’s not that he’s embarrassed by their one-three-night stand, but having to deal with Chanyeol’s smugness about it is enough of a headache.

He’s waiting for the halls to empty, back placed firmly against the wall, when a deep voice sounds right next to his ear and Baekhyun jumps, holding up his textbook like a shield as he turns to face Chanyeol.

“Why are you avoiding me?”

“Jesus, Park,” Baekhyun places a hand over his chest, calming his breathing as he lowers his arm, “I’m not avoiding you,” he denies unsuccessfully.

“Then explain why you’ve been running the opposite direction every time you see me.”

“I just… need to go to the bathroom… a lot?”

“That would be a good explanation,” Chanyeol pretends to think, fingers stroking his chin, “if it weren’t for that cute blush that’s always on your face when you scurry away.” He chuckles, hands dug in pockets as he bends over, head tilted.

“Fuck off,” Baekhyun shoots him a look, about to add on more profanities, only to be cut off by Chanyeol and his smarmy grin.

“Care to go for a round?”

Baekhyun ends up in a bathroom stall, legs wrapped around Chanyeol’s waist as the younger pistons into him, hips snapping up. They aren't at all quiet, Chanyeol gasping out how tight Baekhyun’s ass is as the latter whines, ass clenching hotly around Chanyeol’s dick as he stretches around the girth of his cock.

It’s after the condom is in the garbage and their pants are zipped back up that a familiar thought presents itself to Baekhyun again, and he finds his tongue to voice it out.

“Park,” Baekhyun begins, and Chanyeol pauses to look at him, jacket half on, “I have a proposal.”

[Be there in twenty]

Baekhyun reads over the message once more before pressing Send and locking his phone. He grabs his keys off the kitchen counter and heads out the door, taking the stairs two at a time.

He gets to Chanyeol’s apartment block early, but it’s no big deal, and before Baekhyun can talk himself into waiting those extra few minutes, he rings the doorbell, the ugly buzz an alarming sound cutting through the autumn air.

The latch releases and Baekhyun pulls on the handle, taking a deep breath as he makes his way through the halls. The knock on Chanyeol’s door is loud, and Baekhyun teases at his lower lip as he waits for it to open. He’s not impatient.

“Hey Byun,” Chanyeol greets, wiggling his eyebrows as Baekhyun rolls his eyes, stepping into the apartment.

“Let’s just get this over with, Park,” Baekhyun says, unwrapping his scarf as quickly as he can before he curls a fist into Chanyeol’s shirt, pulling him down to crush their lips together.

They kiss hot and messily, and Chanyeol’s hands easily come to rest on the curve of Baekhyun’s ass, lifting him up so he can wrap his legs around his waist. Baekhyun’s hands are running harshly through his hair as their lips mould together, tongues slipping into each other’s mouths. Somewhere between the shirt pulling and lip sucking, Baekhyun finds himself on the kitchen counter, Chanyeol’s hands on his crotch as he fumbles at his belt, unlatching it and unbuttoning his pants to tug them off.

Chanyeol takes him rough and quick against the cool granite, Baekhyun clawing at his back as his cock drills into him, stretching him open so very wide. Baekhyun’s low moans fill the room as Chanyeol grunts with every aimed thrust in, hand coming down to fist at Baekhyun’s shaft. Chanyeol ends up coming first, filling the condom as he speeds up his pace on Baekhyun’s dick. The elder releases all over his hand, a particularly loud curse signalling his orgasm as he squeezes his eyes shut.

“Hm, tasty,” Chanyeol comments, and Baekhyun opens an eye to see him lick at his come, immediately blushing a deep red.

“Fuck off,” Baekhyun says, all heat to his tone gone as he watches Chanyeol smirk and walk away, tugging the latex off to chuck in the trash.

Baekhyun wakes before Chanyeol this time, the ray of sunlight crawling through the gap in the curtains landing in a perfect stripe across his eyes. The clock reads seven in the morning, and Baekhyun slowly shifts to get out of bed. He’s hoping to leave before Chanyeol’s up, because he’d much rather do the Walk of Shame than stay any longer in his apartment. Lingering means a sense of attachment, and Baekhyun still thinks of Chanyeol as an enemy (just, an enemy with a great dick and amazing skills in bed).

He’s completely naked when he pads out to the kitchen, finding his clothes on the living room floor where Chanyeol threw them the night before, and quickly scoops them up to redress. His shoes are halfway on when he notices the pictures in the frames standing on the shelves, and his eyes automatically wander, gazing over the faces.

Baekhyun can easily recognize Chanyeol in a few, and he involuntarily lets out a little laugh at the goofy thirteen year old with birthday cake smeared on his face. There are a lot of photos, and Baekhyun forgets he has to leave until he hears Chanyeol’s sounds of restlessness coming from the other room. He slips his left shoe on and considers leaving a note but shakes the thought out of his head and shuts the door quietly behind him.

If Chanyeol cared at all for Baekhyun’s absence that morning, he doesn't mention it. They don’t talk about anything really, besides the occasional cocky remark from Chanyeol’s end, combatted with Baekhyun’s looks of disgust and eye rolling as he walks away.

And in the bedroom, it’s mainly just pleas of Baekhyun begging Chanyeol to fuck him harder, faster, deeper, and the latter answers with more forceful thrusts as he spreads Baekhyun open with his cock.

It’s not like they’re friends or anything; this is just a way for them to get their sexual frustration out. They’re still enemies; unofficially sworn and all. Crude as it may be, Chanyeol is but a humping post Baekhyun needs to, well, use, every once in a while.

Once in a while being every other day that Baekhyun’s fingers fly across his phone screen, his libido tapping out a message that he can’t help but send. Chanyeol always takes less than twenty minutes to get there, sweater halfway off and laces undone by the time he’s through the door and Baekhyun’s hands are clawing at his clothes, desperate to get them off as his limbs wrap around his lean body.

On some days where they’re too horny and hard, they end up fucking in the kitchen, Baekhyun bent over the counter as Chanyeol pounds into him from behind, or they do it rough and fast on the floor, carpet burns on their backs as Baekhyun bounces on Chanyeol’s cock. On their lazy days where they manage to make it to the living room, Baekhyun rides Chanyeol slow and deep, making sure he feels every inch of Chanyeol’s cock splitting him wide open as he rolls his hips back and sinks down low, all the way to the base. Sometimes they change it up and Baekhyun ends up being the one who’s rolling the condom on, pushing into Chanyeol because the younger wants to feel that burn, and Baekhyun likes the dominance that comes with Chanyeol being the one pleading for him to move faster.

It’s the times when Chanyeol’s hands are gripping onto Baekhyun’s cheeks, holding him up as he walks the two of them into the bedroom, placing him down gently on the bed and pressing kisses everywhere, which Baekhyun tries to avoid.

This isn’t about liking Chanyeol, or furthering their ‘friendship’. Baekhyun doesn’t have any plans to get to know him, figure out his likes and dislikes, find out his secrets.

This is just plain, pure, sex.

At least, that's what Baekhyun tells himself.

“Morning Byun.”

Baekhyun turns over, greeted with a face full of Chanyeol’s not-as-annoying-as-it-used-to-be grin, and he promptly groans, pulling the sheets up to bury himself under them. He can hear Chanyeol’s muffled laughter and pulls a face, trying to get back to sleep.

“We have Econ in thirty minutes, you know,” Chanyeol’s voice reminds him, and Baekhyun lets out another sound of disapproval as he tightens the makeshift mask around his head. He doesn’t move even when he feels Chanyeol lightly pull at the bottom of the sheets.

“Leave me the fuck alone,” Baekhyun whines, obviously not a morning person, and he’s falsely satisfied when he doesn’t hear any rustling. Then the blanket is ripped from his grip and Baekhyun shrieks, because the cold air of the room is a very stark contrast to the warmth of his bed.

“Get your ass out of bed, Byun,” Chanyeol chucks the now-bundled up roll of sheets next to Baekhyun, before climbing onto the mattress, straddling Baekhyun’s hips to stop his squirming, “And you really can’t afford to miss a lecture.”

Baekhyun glares up at him, the feel of Chanyeol’s jeans harsh against his skin. His boxers and shirt have both risen up, exposing expanses of milky skin that Chanyeol leans down to kiss, “Ugh, get off me, Park.”

“Will you wake up if I suck your cock?” Chanyeol cheekily asks, shuffling down to come face-to-well, dick, with Baekhyun’s crotch, “Don’t worry, I brushed my teeth already.”

Baekhyun blushes, giving a reluctant (he tells himself) nod. He tries to convince himself the bulge slowly forming isn’t because of Chanyeol’s face, or the mental image of how good his lips look around his dick. It’s just typical morning wood.

Chanyeol grins, licking over his lips as he pulls at the waistband of Baekhyun’s underwear.

They both end up sprinting to class, stealing the last of the available seats as they slide into the back row, clothes messily thrown on and hair dishevelled.

Baekhyun chews on his lettuce leaf, mind lost in thoughts of exams coming up at the end of the semester. The cafeteria is full so he’s seated outside, regretting the thought to forego a layer earlier that morning while dressing. He shivers, rubbing his gloved hands together as he picks at his salad. Lu Han is late and his dick is currently at a temperature of minus thirty degrees.

“Is that what you eat to maintain a waist that curvy?”

Baekhyun lets out a deep breath and turns to face Chanyeol, “What do you want, Park?” He asks, trying to convey a tone the very opposite of Actually Giving A Shit.

“Nothing much. Saw your cute little ass sitting out here in the fucking freezing cold, and thought I’d come warm up those cheeks of yours.” Chanyeol reaches out, taking a fold of Baekhyun’s skin in between his index finger and thumb and pinching. Baekhyun swats his hand away, turning away to stop his cheeks from actually blushing like they’re prone to do whenever Park Chanyeol is in the vicinity. They sit in a short silence for a while, before Chanyeol leans forward, trying to crane his head around to see Baekhyun’s face.

The elder looks at him with his peripherals, noticing the shift in movement, before quickly averting his gaze again, and Chanyeol laughs.

“You know, you’re a lot more attractive when you’re begging me to fuck you,” Chanyeol grins, and Baekhyun’s head whips around, eyes already narrowed in his best death glare (specially Reserved for Park Chanyeol).

“Park, you fuc-“

“Anyways I should go, Byun. As much as I’d love to indulge in your obsession in spending all your time with me, your friend is coming,” Chanyeol points at a figure in the distance who resembles Lu Han, and stands up, wiping any dirt off the back of his trousers. Baekhyun raises his hand to flip him off before he’s cut off, “You should let him know I’ve got a guy for him, if he’s interested.”

Baekhyun’s mouth twists in confusion, “How did you know Lu Han’s gay?”

“Instinct?” He shrugs, before reaching up and removing his earmuffs. Baekhyun watches as he steps forward and places them on his own head, the fluffy inner side warming up his ears. He looks up, about to take them off, when Chanyeol simply says, “Keep them on. Your ears looked red,” as explanation, before walking off too quickly for Baekhyun to catch up.

Lu Han doesn’t bring up the fact that Baekhyun still hasn’t returned Chanyeol’s earmuffs a week later, choosing to continue wearing them rather than his own old pair Lu Han knows is gathering dust in the bottom drawer of his wardrobe.

“So are you guys fuck-buddies now or what?” Jongdae asks, stuffing his mouth with popcorn as he lies on Baekhyun’s couch, legs outstretched on his coffee table.

“Yeah, friends with benefits and all that crap?” Lu Han adds on, eyes concentrated on the television screen as he flicks through channels.

“Enemies, with benefits,” Baekhyun corrects, because he and Park Chanyeol are not friends. Not at all. He’s still an asshole, after all; teasing him to no end about his height, directing crude-as-ever comments his way, etcetera. The only change is that he’s an asshole whose cock Baekhyun (more than) occasionally sits on.

“You spend more time with him than us, Baek,” Jongdae jokes, popping another kernel into his mouth before his arm shoots out to pat Lu Han on the thigh, “Wait, wait, stop! Avengers is on!”

Baekhyun rolls his eyes at the lack of a proper attention span, getting up off the couch as he walks to the kitchen to grab another soda. He should shrug it off, but the notion pricks at him, nagging him to ask if the thought of how comfortable Chanyeol has become in his apartment in the span of three weeks should concern him.

He doesn’t realize just how ingrained Chanyeol has become in his life, things of his strewn all over his place. That isn’t Baekhyun’s blue transparent umbrella by the front door, or his Iron Man toothbrush next to the bathroom sink. And it’s not like Baekhyun hasn’t noticed the additional items in his apartment, but he’s merely shrugged it off. The majority of the time the two of them end up fucking at Baekhyun’s, and it’s inevitable that Chanyeol would accidentally leave some of his things behind. The toothbrush had been Baekhyun’s own suggestion anyways, after one particular round of morning sex that forced him to avoid every kiss Chanyeol tried to plant on his mouth.

He’s shaken out of his thoughts when by a buzz from his pocket, and Baekhyun fishes his phone out to look at the text.

[Mine at 8?]

“Baek, you’re missing Nick Fury!” Jongdae yells from the couch, and Baekhyun quickly types out a reply before grabbing his Fanta and joining his friends in the living room.


“You’re late, Byun,” is the first thing Chanyeol says when Baekhyun knocks on his door at nearly half past eight. He pulls him into a kiss, slamming him backwards into the shut door behind him as he pins his wrists above his head.

“I had other things to do,” Baekhyun says as though it were obvious, tilting his head back when Chanyeol starts to teeth at the expanse of his neck.

Chanyeol stops sucking at his skin to look at him, and Baekhyun would think he were serious if not for the playful smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth, “My dick missed you.”

“Stop being so fucking cheesy, Park,” Baekhyun rolls his eyes, curling a hand around the back of his neck to yank him into a kiss.

“You’re telling me you’d rather hang out with your friends than bounce on my cock?” Chanyeol asks, and Baekhyun reddens, choosing to shut him up with his tongue rather than answer the question.

He goes for an indirect reply, “I lost track of time, okay?” as he undoes Chanyeol’s belt, muttering, “I get here late and you can’t even take off your damn belt first.”

“I like it when you undress me though,” Chanyeol smirks, lifting Baekhyun’s chin up with his finger to press a soft kiss to his lips.

The heat returns to his cheeks, red and strong, and Baekhyun bows his head to stop Chanyeol’s gaze lingering on his face. “Just shut up and fuck me.”

Chanyeol grins again before he’s scooping Baekhyun up, throwing him over his shoulder with a loud screech as Baekhyun pounds weakly on his back, “Put me down Park!”

“Not yet, Byun,” Chanyeol teases, patting his ass lightly as he walks into the bedroom, and Baekhyun lets out another sound akin to a squeal when Chanyeol throws him on the bed, mouth upturned into a grin as Baekhyun settles on the mattress. He kneels forward, crawling over him to pull his shirt up so it bunches under his armpits.

“You really can’t blame me for thinking you were a girl, Byun,” Chanyeol says, pressing a kiss to Baekhyun’s bellybutton before licking over it, letting his tongue linger in the dip, “with a waist like yours, it’s not that hard of a mistake to make.” He winks, and Baekhyun rolls his eyes.

“I like you a lot better when your mouth is doing something useful,” he counters, sticking his legs in the air to tug his pants off, “like sucking me off.”

Chanyeol pretends to think, twisting his mouth to the side in a wry smile, “How about we try something new?” Baekhyun’s eyebrows furrow at the suggestion, not entirely sure where this is going, until Chanyeol’s flipping him over and he yelps at the feel of his large hands feeling so hot on the back of his thighs.

“Wh-what are you doing?” Baekhyun squeaks when Chanyeol spreads his cheeks, eyes blowing wide when he feels his lips track up and down his legs. It isn’t until Chanyeol noses around his rim that Baekhyun clenches a hand into the sheets, gasping at how foreign it all feels.

“Does this answer your question?” Chanyeol asks with a smile, and Baekhyun’s about to retort with another, “Shut the fuck up, Park,” when Chanyeol presses the flat of his tongue over Baekhyun’s entrance and the elder’s breath hitches, eyes shutting tight.

“Shit,” Baekhyun breathes out, practically clawing at the sheets beneath him as Chanyeol licks more fiercely at his hole. It’s after a few more minutes of Baekhyun’s whimpering that Chanyeol decides to experimentally poke his tongue in, and Baekhyun all but moans. Really fucking loudly.

They both discover that night, the pros of someone getting eaten out for the first time.

Baekhyun’s mewls do nothing but strain the bulge in Chanyeol’s pants further, his cock throbbing red as he starts to suck hard, letting Baekhyun rock back on his face as he tongue-fucks him.

Chanyeol honestly doesn’t know why they haven’t done this before, but it’s Really Fucking Hot. His hands come down to peel off his boxers, and he chucks them somewhere behind him before spreading his cheeks wider to get even more of his tongue in.

Baekhyun is harder than a rock and he hasn't been touched once, but he feels like he could come right then and there, pressing his hips back more because Chanyeol’s tongue feels so, so damn good, and he wants-no-he needs more.

“No one’s done this to you, have they?” Chanyeol sounds cocky as always, but for some reason it doesn’t bother Baekhyun.

“Please, f-fuck me,” Baekhyun whimpers out, using all his strength to straighten up and bring a hand back to yank Chanyeol up, pressing their lips together in a filthy kiss. His head is turned at such an uncomfortable angle, but Chanyeol’s hands are warm on his hips and his cock is rubbing in between his cheeks, Chanyeol subconsciously rutting forward.

Chanyeol groans, rolling off the bed to grab the condoms and lube on top of the nightstand before he tears open a wrapper and slips the latex on, slicking himself up as his fist works quickly up and down his cock. He makes sure the lube is warm on his finger before sliding a finger into Baekhyun, working him open as fast as possible. Chanyeol’s only got two fingers in him when Baekhyun growls out, “Fuck me now, Park,” and Chanyeol isn’t going to say no to that.

He flips Baekhyun onto his back, leaning down to suck at his bottom lip as he holds his left leg up, holding his cock at the base to push in. Baekhyun moans (as he always does), spreading his legs wider to accommodate Chanyeol in between. The younger drops to steady himself on his hands, fucking into Baekhyun without taking much time to let him adjust.

Baekhyun wraps his arms around Chanyeol’s neck, pulling him down to mesh their lips together. They remain like that, Chanyeol’s hips rolling expertly into him as Baekhyun wraps one of his legs around him, mouths attached and tongues entwined.

It’s as soon as Chanyeol’s fingers brush over Baekhyun’s cock does the elder come, releasing in strings as his mouth moves to form Chanyeol’s name. Chanyeol grits his teeth and shuts his eyes, quickening his pace as he pistons into him, whispers of fuck sounding in Baekhyun’s ear. Baekhyun turns his head, darting his tongue out to lick over the shell of Chanyeol’s ear, and that’s all it takes for Chanyeol to follow, releasing hard into the condom.

“Shit!” Chanyeol cries, pulling out completely sated as he rolls off the bed to throw the used rubber away.

Baekhyun giggles, covering his mouth with his palm at the look of surprise on Chanyeol’s face.

“You little fucker,” Chanyeol says, smirking as he jumps back on the bed and starts to assault Baekhyun with kisses.

“Ah, get off, Park!” Baekhyun screams, trying to shield himself to no avail as Chanyeol grabs onto his wrists to stop him from moving.

“Say you’re sorry.”

“I won’t apologize for knowing your weak spots,” Baekhyun grins, craning his head up to tug on Chanyeol’s earlobe, and the younger’s grip loosens in shock. Baekhyun takes the chance to flip them over, straddling Chanyeol’s hips as he mimics their previous position, his own hands tightened around the other’s wrists. “Now that my ass is substantially sore, can we go to sleep?”

Chanyeol nods with a pout on his face, and Baekhyun laughs, rolling off him to curl up in the blanket.

“Night, Byun,” Chanyeol says, and Baekhyun pretends his heart doesn’t thump when Chanyeol’s arm comes to wrap around him.

((part ii))

rating:nc17, pairing:baekhyun/chanyeol

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