I know I'm a little late to the game, but woooo! That was some satisfying 8-bit gaming! I really do hope the romurs of a PSP port are true. What am I talking about? Cave Story! I'm sure you've seen the news about it somewhere, the praise it's been getting.... the fchan thread. Well just last night I finnished it. Got the normal 'good' ending. I'm gonna wait untill I get my new PC before I run thru it a second time and try for the 'Hard route' and the Special Ending. But really, I cant say too much about it without spoiling it for anyone who hasent yet had the PLEASURE to play thru it.
You can grab it here:
http://buzinkai.com/Cave_Story_Deluxe.exe In other news, I dont think I mentioned it here yet, but on Thanksgiving night after dinner we went into the Casino. (We ate at a buffet at The Wynn Casino) We looksed around for a bit and played some Slots. I just stood around and watched for a while and then put in $5 I barrowed from Fox into a machine and it gave me the second best payout it had, $200. =3 At a 75 cent bet. Everyone made a big fuss over the next couple days about how I should give it to Fox, but thats gonna be my gift money! And thats kinda like stealing someone's thunder too. But in the end, he's still gonna reap the rewards from it for xmas. ^.^
DoubleoFox is makin me my new PC, which he says should be done by early/mid Jan. To which I'll be paying him back in full for all the parts he gets for it. I really cant wait. Though we dunno yet if he's gonna come by and viset for his next poker extravaganza to drop it off, or if I'll be at FC or not to which we can meet up.