Nov 05, 2007 22:46
Purely from the gut reaction on 3x6 and 3x7:
At the moment it became clear that Linc wasn’t going to get LJ, I was wondered why in the hell do I watch this show. It’s like 2 steps forward and 20 back. That’s depressing. These guys need a win. At least one. I like a tragedy as much as the next guy yet I’m not looking for that when I watch this show. I know it’s about prison and what not yet… I don’t know. I don’t know. I just want to scream and I did. I was like ‘OMG WTF!??!??!’ This show has always been dark and hard to take and I signed up for that. But this show also had an undercurrent of hope and something else that I can’t quite articulate as clearly as I would like or maybe hope sums it up perfectly, in my opinion, that made it easy to sit through bad thing after bad thing every week. Maybe all this is necessary for some huge payoff in the end. I hope so.
Man, was it satisfying for CSB to get slammed against the van. A couple hundred more times would’ve made my year. Make that a thousand.
Those scenes between LJ and CSB, I’ll admit almost worked. They could have worked had they had a better actress.
I’ll admit that as much as I was looking forward to this episode, I wasn’t totally into it. I was probably expecting too much. And I S3 hasn’t impressed me so far at all. It just hasn’t. Add to that Sara being gone, so the love isn’t there like it used to be. I’ll still be watching because all the love hasn’t been lost and even if it was all gone, I want to see how it ends.
I have to say that Michael’s breakdown over Sara left me under whelmed. And it had nothing to do with the acting. It had to do with the placement. At this point in time, I think they should have left it for after he broke out. Because as it occurred at this point, there was no time for Michael to do anything besides what he did. Not that I think that’s the end of it for him, at least I hope not, but I don’t know it wasn’t enough for me. I did almost cry though when Linc told him. Good work on the slow mo. Good dramatic effect in my opinion. Anyway, I’m probably not articulating why the scene didn’t totally work for me. I’ll have to think it about it some more.
DP rocked tonight when he broke down on the phone call with CSB when he slipped and told her when they were breaking out. My heart broke for him then. Then again when he had to let LJ go. Again.
I’m interested to see how this Mahone storyline plays out before I make call on how I feel about it. I was thinking one thing in the beginning but by the end I had changed my mind. I keep watching for the other shoe to drop with Sullins, that he is part of The Company. I hope not though. Can someone not be working for The Company? Because if The Company is so fucking powerful why do they need Michael Scofield to break Whistler out? That has yet to be explained and I’m not holding out faith that it will be explained to my satisfaction. Since the beginning, The Company has been written poorly. Going back to Mahone, was I the only one that went ‘Poor Mahone has no one to eye fuck when he looks out the van window?’ No? Just me then? Okay.
So did Lechero not really care who killed the new guy? And is it just me or was introducing that guy a waste? I think I missed the point of him and his storyline. I did like that he gave Brad the brush off. I laughed out loud.
T-bag is on the come up.
Did I miss something on how Sofia came to know Lechero’s given name? And how much do I care how Lechero got his name? Not. One. Bit. I still don’t find him scary because he killed a man when he was 13. I just don’t. Kellerman, S1 T-bag, and Mahone have spoiled me as far as how a villain should be. I can’t believe the same people that brought us those three have given us Lechero and CSB. The mind boggles.
Really, Brad you thought you were protecting people by sending kids to get raped? I felt sorry for you when you found out about Sara until you said that shit.
Why couldn’t this show have played out like this?
S1 - break out of FR
S2 - on the run
S3 - bring down The Company
Wow, that was a lot of negativity (I do reserve the right to change my mind after I’ve slept on it) so let’s end on a positive note. When the camera was doing a close up on Michael when he was talking to Bellick, I was focused on his mole. OMG!!
Next week:
I don’t know if Whistler really is part of The Company or playing both sides. Why can’t he just be innocent? As of right now, either of the above scenarios leaves me a cold. And if he is working for The Company, I’m pissed when I wasted a scream when I thought he got stabbed.
I wonder if Sofia knows about Whistler.
Gretchen will always be Cat Scratch Bitch to me. And for the record, I don’t care that she was tortured. That’s no excuse. Lousy torturers if you ask me because she’s still alive. But as others have said she seems off of her meds so...(Wow, I’m a bitch. *shrugs*)
I’m not liking the way I think the writers are going with the brother’s relationship. Call me crazy but it doesn’t have to go down the road of ‘I hate you, you betrayed me, blah blah blah.’ Shit, that’s a no win situation for Linc. I know Michael is grieving. But hello? NEPHEW!!! I’ve defended the Michael and LJ relationship on this show. Now I’m beginning to wonder if I was wasting my breath.
THE RETURN OF THE TATTOO!!! I’ll admit I’ll never been a huge fan mostly because it’s too much blue or something. Something just doesn’t have me loving it although I am a huge fan of tattoos and it really is a beautiful drawing. I’m just happy for the return of skin. And I know Michael wants to take that shirt off or else he’ll die of heat stroke. Or wait, he’s no mere mortal.
tv: prison break,
tv/my first obsession