I don't scare easy.

Oct 31, 2007 22:15

Yet it doesn't take much. So I had high hopes for Saw.

All I can say is, I wasn't scared at all. I wasn't even particularly grossed out. There were moments that I did have to cover my eyes but that was more out of the thought of it being gory than it actually being gory. There was a lot of blood though and I'm surprised I didn't lose my hot chocolate. (I didn't go to medical school for several reasons and lots of blood was one of them.) I didn't find it particularly suspenseful. There were at least two moments where I felt as thought they should have left something out to give the scene greater impact like with the trip wire and the guy sneaking out of the car. (I always check my back seat and under the car. At least I try to remember to. There's some crazy ass people out there.)

And don't even get me started on the stupidity of the ex-cop and the wife. FUCKING SHOOT ALREADY!!! OMG WTF?!?!! And how come it seemed like the cops didn't have a radio on them to call for back up. Who does that? And dude, from what I remember from law school, always a good idea to get a warrant unless exigent (i.e., emergency) circumstances exist. One, there were none. Two, this MOFO was crazy so it was incredibly misguided to go without having a team in place to bust shit up if they didn't radio in or come out in x amount of time. OMGOMGOMG!!! Then again there would be no movie if people acted rationally. (Sometimes I hate when writers sacrifice realism, character development for the sake of storytelling. It's really not good storytelling if you have to do that. *coughGray'sAnatomyPrivatePracticePrisonBreakcough*)

Having said all that, I give the movie an A for keeping me guesses as far as who was responsible. The ending had a very nice twist in my opinion. I'd say the last 10-15 minutes, from when the wife grabs the gun, was the best part of the movie. In a way kind of worth sitting thru the rest to get to that part. I mean who would've thought the guy on the floor was it. I like movies that make me think so I'll definitely be thinking over the plotting and timeline just so it makes sense in my head.

The guy that plays the killer? You know shit ain't cool when he shows up because he always plays bad guys.

I was kinda hoping Adam would live.

If I have the chance, I'll probably check out the rest just to see what happens purely for curiosity purposes.

You says you have to leave the house to go trick-or-treating. meme ganked from ephramyfan

My LiveJournal Trick-or-Treat Haulhappywriter06 goes trick-or-treating, dressed up as Jane Phillips.aboutbefore gives you 17 milky white evil-flavoured nuggets.antoine_baros gives you 13 dark green tropical-flavoured gummy bats.babyswc gives you 6 tan mint-flavoured gummy worms.bluesgirly gives you 11 teal peach-flavoured wafers.ephramyfan gives you 18 white blueberry-flavoured jawbreakers.gryfforin gives you 9 light green peach-flavoured pieces of taffy.mrs_spleen gives you 10 softly glowing vanilla-flavoured gummy bats.pamalax gives you 17 light green lime-flavoured pieces of bubblegum.rhomea gives you 2 brown coconut-flavoured pieces of chewing gum.saestina gives you 7 brown spearmint-flavoured gumdrops.happywriter06 ends up with 110 pieces of candy.Another fun meme brought to you by rfreebern.

meme whore that's me, holiday, cinema should make you forget

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