October 20, 2007 is Pit Bull Awareness Day

Oct 19, 2007 19:45

I’m the proud owner - and when I say proud I mean PROUD like my heart swells (Yes, I said swells) just thinking about my dogs - of two Staffordshire Bull Terriers mixes.

To start, the day is called ‘Pit Bull Awareness Day.” I personally don’t like to use the term so I’m going to use the term ‘Bully’.

When I was growing up my cousin had a Bully named Taz. Taz scared me at first because I was a little kid and he was bigger than me. But as I grew older I realized he was the sweetest dog. They had him for years and I never heard about him doing any thing that would cause harm to anyone that came to my cousin’s house.

In July 2004, after months of saying “I really want a dog./We should get a dog.”, Jay finally said we should get a dog. We had an apartment and we were moving across country and he’d been against the idea because the timing was off. But I guess he was moved by the story a lady at his job told him.

She told him that her sister was breaking up with her BF and that the BF was going to leave the dog outside tied to the porch for the ASPCA. The sister couldn’t take him. And for whatever reason she couldn’t take the dog to the ASPCA herself. So Jay talked told me about the dog. I said yes. He said it’s a Pit Bull. I said I don’t care, which I would not recommend. You should always research a breed first to make sure the breed is right for you. Fortunately, things worked out for us.

Charley came to stay with us on July 28, 2004. In the mean time I had researched the breed and found out all the stuff in the mainstream media about Bullys is bullshit, nothing but misinformation. My blood pressure goes up every time I read or see something derogatory against the breeds that are most classified as pit bulls. After we got Charley, my friend said Charley’s breed is the black man of the dog world. Like people cross the street when they see dogs like him. In March 2006, we got Carley. Carley doesn’t look like a Bully so she doesn’t get the flack that Charley does.

I adore these dogs. I’m hooked on Bullys. I never want another kind of dog and I’ve had a lab and a mutt before. Hands down Bullys are the best dog in my opinion. Every neighborhood we’ve lived it, the kids adore Charley and Carley. They make friends faster than we do. They love people. They aren’t happy unless they are surrounded by people. In the years we’ve had Charley and the months we’ve had Carley, we’ve never had any incidents with them being aggressive towards people or dogs. In fact, we went to a dog park and Charley was the one who came away with a couple of bites. This Doberman who didn’t like Charley liking his sister bit Charley. We didn’t know it because we thought they were playing. And Charley never reacted. Not even to yelp.

We’ve met other Bullys owners and they’re dogs have been just as lovely. So if you meet a Bully who is aggressive, that is the fault of the owner. Like with any dog, if the dog isn’t socialized and mistreated, there will be problems.

So I say all that to say

- If you are on my f-list and you have a Bully and you don’t know about the day, click here.

- If you are thinking about adopting a dog and you want a wonderful addition to your family click here, here, here and here. The last ‘here’ is a link to different vids on youtube about Bullys. My favorites are the vid below, The Great American Pit Bull Terrier, and Pit Bull Problem (The Original). Some of the videos have graphic images of some of the heinous things that have been to these wonderful dogs so keep that in mind. Also visit
hounds_of_hell and

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