Apr 08, 2006 13:26
Since I last wrote, I have:
*Asked a substitute teacher about his life and been thoroughly freaked out.
*Gotten completely plastered at my first-ever college party (of the two strangers I mouth-to-mouth kissed, only one was male)
*Performed in my last high school middle show ever (I started electricity, me myself, and we fuckin' got it on the first try)
*Said to a boy behind the counter at Coldstone Creamery, "They're making fun of me because I said I was going to flirt with you because I think you're really cute, but they [matt and greg] are making fun of my flirting abilities." (This was last night.) I feel really gutsy!
*Made a really dirty orgasm joke at Whose Line (last night) that sent the cafeteria into a bit of a frenzy, probably because a lot of people tend to think I'm shy-ish. And also, my parents were there. I wonder what the teachers present thought when they saw my mother and father laughing hysterically, falling off their chairs, at their daughter's raunchy cum joke (I was going to type "cum gag," but that just sounds...horrible.)
*Took off my shirt at Whose Line.
*Was approached in the pizza place by a random woman I've never seen before in my life who said, "Are you Becky L*****?" and proceeded to tell me how much a fan of my acting she is, and how she loved me in Mame. Awwww!!
*Been on a wonderful outdoorsy park field trip with hot tour guides. Saw a snake and some guinea fowl!
*Decided on what tattoo I really want. (I think...)
*Gotten prescriptions to get rid of my eczema (yesterday). YES!
Overall, life is good. I'm getting ballsy. And less itchy (yay dermatology!).
Tonight I go to a Beatles tribute concert with Matt, Greg, Brett, and Paul.
I think the only kinda bad thing going on right now is the massive amount of weight I'm packing on. Partly it's due to a medication I'm on (yeah, yeah, that's it, a medication....not my fault...sure..) but the fact that I'm addicted to those Otis fucking Spunkmeyer cookies they sell at school isn't helping. I'm going on Weight Watchers (Core, not Flex, for those of you who know what I'm talking about). Grumble grumble.