Jul 18, 2010 23:39
Bill and I took the kids to see Despicable Me in 3D this morning. They'd been watching clips online and Wes had even read the junior novelization of it after he purchased the book at Borders. It was a great movie. Predictable, really, but really enjoyable and fun and ultimately heartwarming. I loved it and we'll probably buy it on DVD when it comes out.
In other news, I got totally weirded out while trying to pick up some old (over 50 she'd said in her email) piano books from a fellow freecycler. I'll elaborate tomorrow or whenever, but suffice it to say that I have not, in recent memory, felt such bad vibes associated with a place and aside from the fact that the road that I assumed I had to continue on looked like it would tear the crap out of the bottom of my low-to-the-ground Neon, I just didn't feel safe and the place just felt wrong, to the point of me almost being in tears. It was just strange and I haven't experienced anything like that in quite a long time. I left without continuing on up the road through the woods with the kajillion No Trespassing signs and so I guess I missed out on being able to sort through a bunch of music to play, but I honestly didn't want to be there for very long. It was just extremely creepy and I didn't feel safe.
It's late and the kids and Bill have been sleeping for some time. I watched Big Brother, which I'd recorded, and then a show about migrant worker children that was interesting. I'm tired but not really sleepy enough to lie down yet so I guess I'll wander around facebook and LJ for a bit and hope my eyes get tired.