Oh boy! It's the new year!

Jan 04, 2010 12:10

First thing that happens? My computer goes tits up. Okay, technically it's my fault but still. My brother got a shiny new processor for Christmas, so we decided to put his old one in Aldaris (even hand-me-downs from my brother are better than what I had before.) So the processor goes in as well as a new video card (also had to buy new RAM but he needed an upgrade for that too anyway) and we try to boot. We were expecting Windows to pitch a fit but not THIS bad. So Windows won't load and now it's just a mess. I bought an external backup drive and I'm giving that to dad today so he can save the files and then we're just gonna have to wipe Aldaris clean and start over.

GUESS IT'S TIME TO SWITCH TO WINDOWS 7 :|;; except first a need a copy of it.

So until that happens, I'm stuck on Rufus when I'm not at work. Rufus and his tiny keyboard and tiny monitor... at least I figured out how to hook him up to all of Aldaris' peripherals. But he's not that fast and there are a lot of things he just can't do in general.


i have no actual PS3 games yet (although Darksiders does come out soon) but I do have old PS1 games! :D Technology! Yes! I downloaded FF7, FFTactics, Jumping Flash, Wipeout, Twisted Metal 2 and Wild Arms 1 and 2 from the PSN over the weekend. For only $50. Some of those stupid games go for 100+ online.

Also, guess what comes out this weekend in Japan? Birth By Sleep! :D

Last weekend might have been balls but this coming weekend has promise!

More as the Chronoplast turns.

video games, bbs, aldaris, i see how this day going

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