Panic! Panic! WOOP WOOP

Dec 18, 2009 17:11

Oh man guize... here comes the snow!

I'm dreading going to the store tonight. I do actually need stuff from there that's NOT a panic buy... oh well, if I have to knock some little old ladies over with my cart, then THAT'S THE PRICE I'LL PAY.

Oh, to my friends who requested xmas cards with art in them... they will be a little late. I'm sorry, I'll address them for the New Year and you can pretend they're on time? :D;; I've just been too tired lately to do any drawing at all.

'bout an hour and half and I'll be on my way home. Hopefully it won't be too stupid out there.

More as the Chronoplast turns.

christmas 09, friends, snow!

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