Step 1: Put your MP3 player or whatever music player you have on random.
Step 2: Post a line/stanza from the first 20 songs that play, no matter how embarrassing the song.
Step 3: Post and let everyone you know guess what song and artist the lines come from.
Step 4: Bold the songs when someone guesses correctly
I think it's time to turn up the music )
and there are so many others I feel like I should know aaaargh
brb thinking XD
also: WTF it's not even thanksgiving! There's no need for Christmas trees yet @o@
pfffttt tell that to just about everyone around here.. especially the mall. They had their lights and decorations up when Santa Clause 'landed'....... on November 5th. 8|
aaahhhhhhh I'm so sorry 8( That'd make me crazy.
Oh oh! and 15 is In My Head - Anna Nalick
/spams your inbox - I want to say 19 is Sacrifice by Creed, buuut I'm not positive.
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