Sep 20, 2006 20:42
OK I am one that needs a GOOD math teacher to understand. trust me with out one I always seem to manage to pass with no more than a D if I am lucky. well I go to math class...a suoposedly very diffecult class. and guess what!!! I have a russian for a math teacher. don't get me wrong I have nothing agianst rusiaNS but She can't speak english properly! I can't understand her! MOre problems which are fixable are she does'nt give enough time to right notes and she erases stuff before I am done writing!!! that can be fixed though her acent can't. I can't get in to another class cause there isn't one shes the only one and I need this class to get my aa degree. I am going to FLUNK over and over. I am a frzzeled mass and no online stuff and reading stuff doesn't teach me squat. I need to find I tutore that I can talk to between work and school! I don't know what I am going to do.