As of now...

Mar 05, 2009 10:52

All of my technically "in print" yarns at this moment can be purchased from the following links. Some of these you can download straight to your computer for far cheaper than ordering paper copies, though it's still money in my pocket (not to mention the pockets of the many other fine writers with whom I share magazine space), so everyone wins!

The Drifting Soul (novel)
The Somnambulist Typist (novelette)
Voice of Reason (short story)
Dead Men, Dead Dogs, Tasty Bacon (short story)
The Redhead (flash)

(edit) And while I'm at it, here's a comprehensive list of what you can presently read online of mine:
Sweet Strings and the 2:55AM Train
Formal Dinner and Demon Dreams
Jed's Reunion
The Face in the Flame
The Song of Skybrooks

Happy reading, y'all.
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