Oct 09, 2006 02:38
Am in class right now listening to other group's presentation for our last paper. The final step to my attaing my certification as a Chartered Financial Consultant. Before the class this morning, our result for paper 7 was distributed. I was really worried when doing this paper for I was very unsure about my multiple choice section. Well anyhow to cut the story short I passed heheh. Now what's left is the presentation that I'm arrowed to do and the 3 hour written paper in the afternoon. That paper will be a tough one as it is a full case study where we have topaln the full fianancial plan for the particular person. Plan which includes education, savings, insurance, tax, estate, retirement, business are some of the things we have to prepare. All these to be done in 3 hours. I just hope I can find the correct figures for analysis tomorrow. As for now i'm just listening to other group's presentation and trying to get ideas and improvement from the examiners that commented after every group's presentation. Somehow for a 30% weightage for hte exam some group is doing wayyyyyyy too much, beyond the 30 min per group's presentation.
Anyhow better get back to listening. Till the next update. Ciao all.