Oct 01, 2007 18:30
I know, it's been forever since my last post. Over a week? Oi, how time flies.
AWA was good, certainly enjoyed myself.
Monday, something rather unexpected and awesome happened which I'm not going into details about here. It's a pity it seems like it was a one-time shot, though. Ah well, take what you can get where you can get it, right?
Friday, Krush Girls played for a UGA event and I had fun there as well. Which reminds me, they're playing at the 40 Watt on October 19th. You should drop everything and get up here.
Saturday, I went to a show because a classmate plays drums for the band. I never realized just how metal an unassuming pharmacy school student can really be.
Sunday was spent shopping and et cetera, where I got myself a new book and a new hoodie.
Other than that, a lot of hanging out and about. It looks like I'll be back in Savannah this upcoming weekend. Also, fall break is on the weekend starting the 25th. Letting you know.
Well I guess that's about it. I think I may go crazy with boredom, however. I could use something to drive that away about now.