I had this whole swell "I-fell-off-the-face-of-lj-land-because- it's-flat-and-not-round-but-now-I'm-back" entry in my head, but I figure...
A picture is worth a thousand words. (Especially this one.)
I mean, can it get any better than girl-guy and girl-guy action? (what?)
This is how I've been spending my time. At the cultural house of drag, also known as the Wilson auditorium.
p.s. It's fall!!! And it's awesome. So many colors + hot chocolate+ leaf piles to jump in. YUM.
p.p.s. I missed you =^.^= & once again, thanks for not erasing me ♥
p.p.p.s. It's all about Just Desserts. Together, we are one big wide person.