The Dark Knight - a little late. Looking forward to The Watchmen.

Aug 10, 2008 16:23

Finally went to see The Dark Knight last night. Now I'll grant you that although it was a Saturday, it was the early evening showing (6:30 pm). And, I did get their early, 6:15 pm. But, I didn't expect to be the first one in the theater. lol There were 9 of us total when the movie started. Almost like a private showing. Yes, I liked it lots. :)

Since everyone has probably discussed the movie already, I'll leave a comment about the production in general. I hope that The Watchmen will be of a similar caliber when it comes out in March. :)

I bought The Watchmen back in 1990 (or maybe 89), during my graduate school days on a whim. It appealed to me. Probably because I was not really into traditional comic heros/villians. I really was never into comic books growing up in the 1970's. Used to go to a comic book store back then only because I had made friends with a guy who was big into Spiderman. He would check out Spiderman and the Green Lantern. I discovered, and used to buy "Beautiful Stories for Ugly Children" - a small production by Piranha Press that no longer exists, had no super heros, and I wish was still in production today. But, that comic book is in no way related to the Watchmen. All that I can say is that once I started reading it, it was a book that I couldn't put down. And, I've read it more than once as it still holds an appeal for me.

I love The Watchmen. Can't wait for it to come to the big screen.

- Pup.
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