
Jul 08, 2005 07:56

I really can't sleep well and I don't know why. Grr!

I don't feel at all relaxed from my days off. At least I only have to work tonight, tomorrow and Sunday (and probably babysit for a few hours after) before I get another day off. I just want to lounge around and relax and not run a million errands. But I do have to go get my transcript and mail it. And then I have to work every single day (at least it's kind of better hours though) because the one girl is quitting. I do have first aid on Thursday and I guess that's counted as a day off, that sucks. Oh well. C'est la vie.

I got 70% in calculus (which is what I needed to get into school) and I ended up with a 79% in chemistry!! It's funny cause I failed the exam the first time, and the second time I got an 82% on it. I went up int he course by 1% before the exam and went up 3% from mid-term. I'm happy about that. Everything really is working out. :)

I have my appointment for my driving test to get my G (or full lisence if you will) today. I think I should be able to pass. I'm not too worried, but we'll just wait and see. I'm pretty good at messing things up. ;) I just don't want to waste the money (that's what bothers me more about this one). I already did that with my G2.

My photo printer isn't working. It says one of the cartridges has "failed". Whatever that means. So I'm going to call HP and yell at them and see if I can get some free stuff. I mean it's still under warranty and it's the cartridge it came with, so therefore I haven't used it much to have this problem. My friend told me I should be able to get something out of them. ;)

The summer is going to be over before I even realize it. I mean it's already getting close to the middle of July. Wow. I can't wait in a way though. :) It's not like I can really do anything fun this summer, since I'm working and I get to leave this house (finally) in the fall and be closer to Richie!! :D

We got the proofs for the wedding pictures. I need to look at the rest of them today so that I can actually see them. I work from 3-10pm and then 8am-3pm tomorrow and my parents are taking the proofs to my sister tomorrow sometime. I can't believe my sister has already been married for over a month. It went by really fast. How come everything leading up to the wedding didn't go by as fast?

I have so many bruises. I hate bruising easily. I don't even know what any of them are from.

Our van is finally getting fixed. That's awesome because we need three vehicles this summer with me driving to work. My mom is left without a vehicle most days and she's had to borrow a truck from our neighbours a few times to take my sister to work and stuff.

Well this is getting long so I guess that I'll end it and go get ready after I finish talking to Richie. ;)
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