Good thing I went swimming this morning. There is a winter storm warning in effect now. Except the bad thing about swimming this morning is that my goggles broke again. I don't know why they did, but the place I got them at gave me a new pair because it was the nose piece that broke not the straps. She said she'd never seen that before. I thought it was weird too. Plus I got a new bathing suit, since my other one isn't good for doing laps in the pool, that was $15 cheaper than the ones I ordered out of the catalogue.
I got home and the van wasn't here. My mom isn't home. The front door was unlocked. I don't know where she is cause she didn't leave a not eor even call my cell phone. If she doesn't come back soon I'm going to call her cell phone I guess.
I handed out 3 resumes this morning. And now I'm done, unless I see something else on, so all I have to do now is wait and do correspondence. :P
Well I should eat and shower.