Dec 25, 2004 16:20
i'm currently considering a new lj strictly devoted to writing assessments and reports of books from a christian-amateur-critic-point-of-view. i think it'll be fun, and it'll be informative to christians my age (17 and nearly turnoing 18, for those who don't know) who loves to read :D i'm thinkin that i'll have ratings, brief synopsis, opinions, recommendations and such to keep it interesting, also things that i'm not happy with as a christian with regards to books, such as foul language, oh so common these days, and immoral sexual references. but of course there will also be reviews with regards to a book's literary goodness, classics such as plot, storyline, characters, themes and the like, but also possibly more sidelined stuff, like humour, how hard it is to read, how useful the intros are, background reading and all. i'm just really sick of reading reviews that says basically nothing and is designed to sell the book no matter how bad it is, sometimes you'd think that the person who wrote the review hasn't even read it yet. also, i've noticed that there's nothing or very few book reviewers that reviews a book from a literary christian point of view....
lemme know what you think!