The ending is a bit happier than the beginning.

Oct 12, 2002 23:09

I'm not dead! I know some people have wondered that and have even called and sent emails asking as much. lol

I've had the most awful week in the history of weeks. I have finally gotten the work things mostly straightened out and laid down the law. I refuse to work these ridiculous hours anymore. I have a child that needs me more than that damn tobacco shop. Surprisingly enough the shop owner agreed with me and let me hire a second night girl.

That was the good part of the week. We just found out that my dad has prostate cancer. It's not bad enough that my mom was diagnosed with leukemia last year and my grandfather with prostate cancer in February but now my dad too. It all freaking sucks and seems so unfair. So the time I've spent not working was mostly spent at my parents. The doctor is very optomistic though which is good.

Grandpa's last PSA test came back normal which means no more radiation for him and he's pretty much out of the woods for now. He only had to do one round of radiation which was 42 treatments. He never got sick or anything from it. He drove himself to and from his treatments and even went to work the rest of the day. He's the most stubborn man I know. lol

Mom however has been through four different medications in a year. They think this last one she's on may be the last though. It doesn't seem to be making her sick and her count has been as close to normal as it's been in a year. The only problem is that it's still in the experimental phase and the doctor says she may have to take it the rest of her life. Which yeah taking it for the rest of her life isn't that big a deal but the stuff costs $2500 a month. And no that wasn't a typo. Thank god she has good insurance and is able to keep working. I'm just so afraid that she's gonna be so worried about my dad that she'll get worse or something.

My mom insisted that I not come over today and I should spend it with Josh. We went to a school fund raiser today and played lots of games and won prizes. All of my things in the bake sale sold and I took first place for my mayonaise cake.

After that I spent the rest of the afternoon helping my friend decorate for her son's b-day party. And never again will I agree to help keep some sort of control over 16 eight year olds hyped up on sugar. UGH!

After the party we took Josh and her two boys out to the haunted farm. We stood in line over an hour in the wind and rain. The walk through the farm house lasted twenty minutes. It sucked. The kids weren't even scared. Someone dressed as a reaper or something grabbed my arm as we were going through a room and Josh kicked him. That was probably the best part of the night. lol

I stopped this entry to read some email. I'm feeling so much better suddenly because I got the sweetest email from my mom. She said she just wanted to tell me again how much her and my dad love me and that she hopes we had fun tonight. I'm sitting here crying over it.

I need to go to bed. Goodnight!
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