Back at home!

Apr 27, 2006 09:43

What a wonderful weekend of good weather in San Francisco! I hope that everyone who participated in the bazaar bizarre had a fun time. The Maker Faire was an outstanding show, filled with robots, rebuilt bicycles galore, scientific explanations and countless tech-y booths-quite a whirlwind! I met some people who I’ve never had the opportunity to say hello to in-person. Among them were Jill Bliss, Marie from the Sampler, and Susie from boygirlparty. I also met an immensely talented glass artist named Jenine. I purchased a necklace from her, and let’s hope that she opens up her webshop soon! Turns out Jenine went to school with another glass friend of mine who was also a vendor at the bazbiz, Sarah from Mediums to Masses. Lots of glass artists, hooray for glass! It was a nice reunion with Sarah, who I haven’t seen in years. She has a huge live/work space over in Oakland, and I was thrilled to tour it and catch up over drinks with her and my dear friends heidi and liv. Below are a few pix from the weekend.

Super-Sarah at her booth:

Laid-back on a custom bike:

Trampoline Simon? Who could resist!

This fellow lost me on sentence #2 explaining his robots:

A Humpback whale while whale-watching:

As soon as I got home I got the site ready for the new kiwi. It was near completion before I jetted out to sf, but I just didn’t finish in time. So now I present… the adorable kiwi from New Zealand! Now available in the Badge Menagerie. Hope you enjoy.

Can anyone believe it’s almost may already???
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