Jan 18, 2009 10:19
I'm plotting and scheming. *puts on slightly larger glasses*
Today I started taking a Vit B multi tablet. We have it leftover from when Geoff had mouth ulcers, so I figure I may as well use that up rather than buying new ones, considering all I need it for at the moment is to replenish folate levels depleted by the pill.
Next week or possibly the week after, depending on finances, we will be buying our new [to us] car. I'm excited about that, I've always thought the car we're planning to buy is cute, hopefully they're easy to drive as well.
Then I have three and a half months to pay off as our credit cards and start saving [should be easy enough, saving between $550 and $650 at the moment - but really have no lives] I have two and a half months of the pill left + one washout month.
Then it's all systems go.
*does the evil finger pyramid of contemplation*