Dec 11, 2006 21:34
1. I went to T&T Supermarket today to pick up some stuff. Remembered that I could get weird Asian candy for Mik instead of just bad dollar store candy. Felt stupid, but also happy. That store is awesome. I also discovered that they sell pig uteri there. WTF? I didn't know those were edible. x.o I mean, I can handle the fact that there's tongue and livers and hearts and whatnot. But uteri? Augh.
2. Wrapped the Christmas presents that I have. It made me feel all Christmassy. I really, really like Christmas. All the sparkly lights and presents and food and everything. Mom and Dad are coming back on Thursday and then maybe someone will actually decorate the tree. It looks weird there with the presents under it, but no decorations.
3. I've been drawing more recently, but it's all been crap. I don't know, I'm just in this place where I hate my artwork and it doesn't seem like I'll ever make anything worthwhile. Which is a bad thing to feel considering I'm painting something for Dad for Christmas. I hate that painting. Hate, hate, hate. It's so talentless and sophomoric. There's no life in it at all.
Ever feel like no matter what you do, no one's going to notice or care?
Damn, I'm emo.
lalala, moodswings.
4. I've forgotten how much I like swing dancing. I did surprisingly well on Saturday night considering I haven't really been practicing at all. Robert even asked me to dance, which never happens. Usually I have to stalk him, and spend half the night going: 'ok, next song I'll go ask him. Right, maybe not this song. The next song I'll ask him to dance.' >.< Plus Danny said I'd improved, which always is nice.
5. Robert may not actually be gay. Cue mind-blowiness and giggles.
6. My first day as an art-seller starts tomorrow.