So yesterday was a busy day. Party in the afternoon, swing during the evening and Rocky at midnight. In case anyone didn't know, I went as the Corpse Bride, which involved making my own costume and painting (with Caro's help) myself blue.
I don't think I want to paint myself any colour any time soon. Goddess, what a pain. >.< Plus it started rubbing off when it wasn't supposed to, so by the end of the night I was a patchy blue instead of an almost-fairly-even blue. I also have blue all over my costumes.
The party was mostly spent watching movies and getting costumes on. Carolyn didn't show up till late, so it was mostly Caro, Jonathan, Jonathan's 'friend' Sam and me there. We watched movies and ate pizza and hit each other with Caro's crop.
Swing dancing in a train is something I don't really want to repeat either. There weren't very many people there, and not many people wore costumes. Wusses. If there'd been a costume contest I totally would have owned it.
Rocky Horror was sweet. It seems to get better with time (except the weather, which was bloody cold), probably a good thing considering we're probably going again for New Year's. I need a really, really long coat or something so I don't freeze my legs off. There was a costume contest there, but I didn't win because I was blue. Everyone was too busy going wtf? to even look at my costume. So sad. I could have won an art print and a severed hand.
Here's Sam back-combing Caro's wig. Caro's Jareth from the Labyrinth. Oh! the tight pants and well-placed socks. xD
Sam and Jonathan. Sam made a very good Magenta, but stupid Jonathan didn't have a hump.
Elbow sex!
Everyone in these pictures had killer red-eye. Yay for digital cameras! And socks. >:D
Me, very very blue. You can't see my very extravagant false eyelashes here. Which were a pain in the ass, much like most of my costume. Next year I'm being something that doesn't involve body paint or corsets. My costume was very much falling apart by the end of the night which went well with the whole walking-dead idea.
I have wacked facial expressions. No pictures of Rocky Horror, unfortunately. Carolyn said I looked like crack personified. xDToday was a day of recovering from yesterday. I'm kind of glad there was daylight savings. Still, I basically collapsed at five and got up an hour ago. I don't want to go to work tomorrow. It will involve a lot of explanations of why I'm quitting. I wish 'because it sucks' was diplomatic enough, but I do kind of want good references. (sigh)