Thanks for the birthday wishes, everyone. :) I had a pretty good birthday, though it was bloody cold. Apparently it's already six degrees right now, and it's only 8:30. Oh Calgary weather, how I don't understand you.
Tuesday was lots of classes. I got up at 5:30 because of the snow, in the hopes that if I left two hours early for class, I might actually make it on time. I ended up being fifteen minutes early. We had our 'midterms' in FBRE, where we pretty much just talked to Laura and she let us know how we were doing. I'm doing pretty good in the class, which is nice to hear, since I really like it. Spent the rest of the day working on my miniature baskets. The one I've just finished is about the size of a sugar cube. Because I'm insane. :D English class was canceled because Chris was sick, so I spent lunch hanging out with Felix, Lacy and Red instead. I'm not used to having lunch hour free. There was much geekery and checking out of hot girls. It was grand.
My brother, Ben, and his wife Amanda took me out to dinner after school on Tuesday. I decided on Chinese, so we went to the little Chinese buffet out by my place. It was really good. I probably ate more than I should, but whatever. :p I almost never go out for dinner. I realized how much Ben is not a part of my life anymore. Which shouldn't be surprising, I guess. I'm not really a part of his life that much either.
According to my fortune, I'm going to have success in my endeavors. Good to know.
Wednesday was grocery shopping and researching for my Paper of Doooom. Seriously, I'm going to end up dreaming of Frida Kahlo soon. It will be - interesting. I think I'm at the point where I might be able to start writing my rough draft today. Bozenna says that if we hand in our papers Monday, than she'll have them marked by Thursday. Which is either craziness, or her understanding that we probably aren't going to have our papers done by Monday. But! I might try. Just to get it done. Maybe I'll actually get to hang out with friends that way. You never know.
Did a birthday reading using the Faerie's Oracle yesterday. (Here's a
link to the online version. It's shiny). Lots of references to jouneys, either new or old journeys branching off in new directions, and friendship. Lots and lots of friendship.
Life is good. :)