Plus and Minus

Feb 25, 2009 21:48

+ Finished my Modernisms paper and handed it in on time.
+ Got a new bus pass.
+ Did well on my presentation for FBRE212.
+ Had an awesome time at the second Art Thing. Drank lots of tea.
- Called Dr. J today to try and book an appointment, only to be told that I'd have to go in when he does his walk-ins, 'cause I'm not considered one of his patients.
- Cried after I hung up because I hate phones and looking/sounding like an idiot.
- Didn't go grocery shopping until after seven because I was recovering from the phone call.
- Missed my bus, and decided to walk instead of wait because it was so fucking cold.
+ Bought soy ice cream sandwiches. Which are yummy. :P
+ Have milk and bread again, and food to eat that isn't stew or porridge.
- Haven't started my English paper yet, and I really want to go to the Art Thing tomorrow night instead of working on it.
- Still haven't shoveled the sidewalk.

dr. j, ahis210, fbre212, art thing, engl212, phones are evil, stress

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