Christmas time is here...and gone

Dec 26, 2008 11:39

Christmas this year was pretty good, actually. Although it was a little too quiet without my brother around. Still, there were the stockings and the turkey and we finally bought a copy of the Muppet's Christmas Carol on DVD.

Interesting gifts I received included Rockband (yes!), computer speakers, a lemon zester, Jack Skellington slippers and a glittery rainbow lava lamp. I'm pretty happy. We're going to go see Bolt today, because as a rule we go see a movie on Boxing Day instead of braving the malls. We went to Chinook one year. It was bad.

I might be buying myself a laptop for Christmas. Because I really, really want one and I think it'll make my life a lot easier in terms of taking notes for school (two liberal arts courses next year, instead of just one), and...being faster and less of a piece of crap than my current desktop. ugh. I've been looking at some with my parents and they have, like, three times the memory of the current Piece of Crap. So. We'll see. It'll be exciting if I do.

I had the most awkward dream the other night. It was just wrong. o.o

parents, presents, christmas, computers are icky, dream

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