The Year at a Glance

Dec 17, 2008 11:50



So I've been having issues with my mental health recently.


But I don't WANT to write my paper!


I've been sort of restless recently. Like, it's really hard to concentrate on things, especially the things I know I need to concentrate on (research papers).


The power keeps going out. It's really annoying.


Thursday was Fake Mustache. I didn't do anything during the day, except go over my songs once or twice.


I don't even want to think about what the next week is going to involve, plzkthnx. Tomorrow's my last day off until Sunday and I know I'm going to be dragged downtown at eight in the morning to set up the booth in the rain on Sunday.


I got the funding for school. It's paid for. All of it. Plus living expenses.

Excuse me, I'm off to go do a happy dance now.


Went to

Inglewood with the 'rents today. I have new books!


I'd forgotten that, a couple days before Mom leaves, the house is full of chaos and all these stupid little tasks that Mom thinks are vital and need to be done immediately. Maybe I'm just bitchy; I just can't imagine why the Christmas presents for my various relations need to be wrapped in September.


So Thursday was crazy busy.


So. Halloween was ok this year. It's kind of weird. I was so excited for Halloween in September and back when it was way too ridiculously early to be excited about Halloween. But when it finally came down to it, I was just kind of meh.


So I got about three hours of sleep last night. And a possible twelve-hour school day today.

I saw Trevor on Monday night, for the first time in months. Gods, I'd missed him. He's moving in with James, which will make it easier for me to go visit him, and mean that I spend less time on the Forest Lawn bus. Which, trust me, is a good thing. Oh, Forest Lawn. x.x We decorated James' Christmas 'tree,' which ended up being a blow-up doll in drag. Yeah. I don't know. It was pretty funny and mostly Trevor's idea. I think. I laughed so hard it hurt.
We spent all night talking, pretty much. As usual. I didn't go to sleep until four in the morning. From the sounds of it, neither did James and Sara. haha. oh dear.

Yesterday was supposed to be roller skating with Tracy and co. It ended up being canceled due to the fact that the roller rink is closed on Tuesdays. Which was kind of sad, but we ended up having a pretty awesome time hanging out at North Hill Mall anyway. Scared a lot of the other people by talking loudly of orgies in closets and such. Yup. Good times. I love my friends.

Tracy and Red left at around eight to go pick up a tv or something. Emily and I then looked at each other and concluded that neither of us really wanted to go home, so we wandered around Coles for a while and then headed to the Hop 'n' Brew (or whatever it's called) for the ACAD post-semester party. There were some drunken assholes on the train that we laughed really hard at. Gods, they were idiots.

Drunken art students are...interesting. Em and I have decided that the Hop and Brew is a pretty neat pub and that we should go back and tip the blonde bartender more because she's just awesome. Got somewhat drunk and watched Em draw progessively more and more eyeliner all over her face. She ended up with drawn-on eyebrows and a Roy beard. At that point I think I confessed that I loved her a little bit and she blushed. It was really cute. xD And we've decided that we are just awesome, in general and toasted to ourselves.

I left at around eleven to get home and drink lots of water and fall asleep. I get to go Christmas shopping today, so I should figure out exactly what I'm getting everyone. I've got half of my presents for my friends already, and wrapped too. But everyone else I...dunno. I have no idea when I'm going to be seeing people, which complicates things.

And I kind of want to go play guitar hero.

drunk, eric, orgies in closets, meme, christmas, tracy, red, awesome

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