Oct 27, 2004 19:03
What a fucking weekend. I would share but w/e happens in PA stays in PA. that and i dont remember most of the weekend -_^
Right now im gettin ready to go see Pablo Francisco(sp?) live stand up. If anyones seen this guy on comedy central you would know he's fucking hilarious.
Things are goin pretty well lately. Im caught up in school, i have money, and im having good relations with pretty much everyone(even though there are a few people who i really wanna tell off, if u think ur one of them, u probably are)
This weekend is a huge halloween party at John's house, all 3 days so thats another weekend i wont be home. But at least ill be in this state.
Ray is getting really serious about finding our own place, like he's actually looking at apartments. If things go well i may be moving out by next semester, that would be fucking crazy, but when it comes to responsiblilty i know we can come through.
I gotta run so i'll update more later, untill then