My life these days goes as follows....(birthday boy being jc)

Apr 14, 2008 19:16

i got to church and found the birthday boy in the sanctuary playing his geee-tar. and then i went outside and watched the youngins on their bicycles cause there was a bike-a-thon and then i saw b-day boy's dad and he bought me water-ice lol. and then krista got there and we went inside with bday boy and waited for ant to get there and then he got there and we found out bday boy couldn't leave cause his dad wanted to take him to get a new geetar annnd then me krista and ant walked to walgreens to buy red bull and we walked to krista's house from there...and it was kinda psycho cause we had to walk a couple miles down this crazy road and we felt mexican =D and all the mexicans honked their horns at us and it was disgusting....
and then we got all hyped up on red bull and watched videos from Poland and we saw her hysterical meltdown from her first night in poland and then we made a cancer cake and brownies and cookies for jc's birthday and jc and pastor chris and miss luisa and jonathon came over and we stuck a candle stick from the dining room in the cancer cake and it was the most ghetto cake i've ever seen in my life. i was hilarious and we had a party and then pc and luisa and jonathon left and krista, ant, jc jake and i went out and walked to the playground and sooo many more mexicans honked and stared and then jc's dad came and picked him and jake up to go to on the border and me krista and ant started walking to blockbuster to get the wedding planner and then we scratched that plan and walked back to kristas and left our soccer ball in some random person's backyard cause we wanted to walk to the pretzel factory but itwas closed so we went to wawa and got....dundundun...RED BULL and pretzels...and we walkted back to kristas to find josh and mr. paul and nate and we yelled at nate for giving the basement cancer and mr. paul was digging in josh's foot for a blade of grass and we started watching a movie called Dan in Real Life and then i went home. the End =D

...except the mexicans didn't really honk. well like...two did. and the rest just sttaaarred
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