Sep 04, 2007 11:31
I havent paid any heed to this place is so long. I'm not really sure if anything has changed other than our ages. I'm going on 20 now and I feel old, and yet I'm still a kid. Ironic how when you're a kid, nobody listens to you, no matter how right you are. When you're a teen, nobody still listens to you because you're "just being rebellious" and when you're over 18, its still the same problem just because you're still "too young to understand anything". Whatever as far as I'm concerned.
College started again and it feels phantom. I know I've been there before, but it feels awkward. I hate this constant moving around shit. It feels like I'm bouncing around for no reason and I don't like that. Constantly packing and unpacking, its like my life is on the plane, because thats when change happens, otherwise I'm in an intermission of "life" either at college or at home. But I daresay when I'm distracted by the good things of college OR home, its not so bad. I like the independence of living alone (or with roommates as the case may be), and I like visiting especially to see the people I care for. My family will always be my family regardless of how much I want to strangle them.
I find myself reminiscing more and more nowadays, I think back to my former trips, New York, the cruise back in 10th grade. I think because I've been moving so much recently its not special anymore. And now sitting in the airport waiting for a flight I feel like the guy from Fight Club, like its a series of jumps of which I am not aware.
But this entry sounds like I'm whining, I'm not whining. Just thinking outloud. With a speech bubble. Good times.